Recent content by RebeccaBoyd

  1. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I will try to finish Momma Hens story this week. We started back going down grandma's to clean and I've been very busy. The rest of her story may not include pictures. To get to the pictures I was thinking of using I also have to go back through a majority of my Gracie photo's as well and I...
  2. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Happy Two for Tuesday everyone. I give you all 2 broodys.
  3. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Monday Mugs Grackle Poppet
  4. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Your silkie girls are so adorable. Little Poppet has me trained well. We still play the same game every night. She follows me right to the door and then pulls her u-turn. I am glad I have 6 of her eggs in the incubator. Poppet is being sneaky, 5 days now I have not found her egg. I think she is...
  5. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    A pale shriveled up comb and wattles is completely normal for a hen that is broody. It will redden back up again right before she gets ready to lay again.
  6. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    So now that I know for sure I have chicks developing I have just under 2 weeks to make some decisions. Option A. Brood them myself. Clean out the spot beside my computer desk and set up the brooder like I have done in the past. Being silkies, the dog crate will be big enough for them for 3 to 4...
  7. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I like this idea. I also think you need at least 1 feather duster. I promise 2 days will be all it will take. He/She will have you wrapped around it's double toes in under 2 days.
  8. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I candled the eggs late last night. I will do it again this evening to make sure what I saw, doubt it will change though. I have 14 eggs developing. All 6 of Poppets eggs, she is a fertile myrtle the wee little thing. Now for the shipped eggs, there are 8 out of 22 developing. Considering the...
  9. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I am so happy you ended up with a roo in your chicks. I know he is useless right now in leading your flock, but he will get there. Remember in a few months when your girls are beating him up not to intervene. It will be for his own good. I can see him pulling a Drumstick move though. He was...
  10. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I had both my girls from the time they were 9 weeks old. I loved every phase of their lives. It is biased I know, but there is nothing cuter then a Golden Retriever puppy. It is a good thing they are so cute, it helped me survive the teething phase or "Land Shark" era. Those needle teeth are...
  11. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Happy Fluffy Butt Friday.
  12. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Thank you for taking in a senior. I want another golden so bad, now is not the time yet. Maybe in a couple months after we have finally gotten grandma's place cleaned up and are not having to run back and forth. I know I would be setting myself up for more heartbreak, and sooner but right now I...
  13. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Betty is a becoming a popular name, especially for frizzled chickens. There is a chance we could hatch out a Black Frizzle silkie. If we do Rosie is already wanting to name it Black Betty. She only wants to use that name for a black frizzle though.
  14. RebeccaBoyd

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    The black one, that one is a Bert baby. Actually with your breeds and crosses any chicks with black feet and or skin, Bert babies. That is silkie traits he is passing down. Come on wee silkies, hatch out. I want to see what you all look like.
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