Recent content by Rosekitten

  1. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    Over a week and still all seven. Starting to get the feathers on them now. Itty bitty feathers.
  2. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    Dusty is being introduced to the chicks. Slowly. He's unsure as to what they are. No pray drive but I'll be reaffirming his hold, laydown and several other commands just to be sure. My other border collie doesn't care at all about them.. haha. She's too lazy.
  3. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    Nope! I was trying to think of the name for the roo at least cause he'll stand out for sure. Though one is a fair bit lighter than the rest so that one may also stand out. I was going to give it a few days to see if they all made it first. I've done this song and dance before.. >.< Though these...
  4. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    We got one extra from what we ordered and I assume the blue dot one is the roo I had ordered.. XD no deaths on arrival and all seem healthy. They had a heat pack in there too so I'm sure that really helped!
  5. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    Well I have everything to get started. Now to wait till tomorrow when they should be at the post office. Brooder plate, heat lamp (a ceramic lamp too just in case.. cause I got a super large bin. But I'll be blocking half of it off till I ensure they understand eating and drinking). Temp gauge...
  6. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    You have no idea, I've been waiting years. I took care of my house mates flock back in GA and it renewed my want.. and I had to wait. But I doubt we'll be moving any time soon so we decided we may as well.
  7. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    I'll be getting plenty of pictures. I've waited several years to be able to do this finally haha. (watch my roo be the ugliest of them all.. )
  8. Rosekitten

    Rose's tiny flock

    I figured documenting from day one would be neat and people might enjoy it. They'll be coming in Tuesday and there should be 6 likely a few extra). All of them will be silver lace cochin so that'll be interesting. I started to get a mixed flock but the hatch dates weren't lining up so I went...
  9. Rosekitten

    NC chicken advice for breed

    I didn't even think about the naming thing. I could get a few types of cochin if they'd do well. From what I had been reading they should be fine and if I'm super worried I can hook up a fan. But I have a lot of trees and the fence is covered in bushes for shade as well. (at worse I can open the...
  10. Rosekitten

    NC chicken advice for breed

    So finally got a coop and run all sorted but now I am second guessing the chicken breed I have been looking at for some time now. My plan was to get 5 hens and a roo to start with. All silver lace cochin. But I'm second guessing my plan? I thought these would be a good starter chicken to work...
  11. Rosekitten

    Help with building coop/run (complete novice at building)

    Oh no I've checked several times for the chickens.. it's not enforced. It's just a tiny town without much going on. Shoot I was told get some ducks too the last time I asked and was told the police weren't going to go answering a call for someone saying their neighbor has chickens on their own...
  12. Rosekitten

    Help with building coop/run (complete novice at building)

    More will have to wait for us to move. We're not SUPPOSED to have chickens here but there are so many people with chickens and even town hall was like.. it's not a big deal just keep them in your yard and not in the roads. But i'll for sure ask. Ideally.. I want to make it to where I can take...
  13. Rosekitten

    Help with building coop/run (complete novice at building)

    Oh i forgot about craig's list. I should look there JUST in case.
  14. Rosekitten

    Help with building coop/run (complete novice at building)

    Oh yeah that's a lot of food for thought, I actually got a pack of graph paper just for this project haha. I've always planned to measure twice (or four times) cut once.. that's my biggest hiccup in building any of my plans as I fear messing up something :'D shame home depot is a town over...
  15. Rosekitten

    Help with building coop/run (complete novice at building)

    Ours does have that at least. :D Thankfully.. haha. It's just a lot and I'm just overwhelmed on where to start and a little disheartened in that I'm starting several months later than I wanted to.. I never dreamed it'd be so rough to find someone locally to do an odd job like this during the...
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