Recent content by Ruler of the Roost

  1. R

    Dust bath???

    Like the title says, totally clueless. Just read across the term when researching safe fly extermination in the run. I thought dust baths were a chinchilla thing… how do I apply this logic to chickens.
  2. R

    Too early and when?

    Somebody laid an egg. Not sure who but it was smaller than Penelope’s eggs.. could have been Lacey…
  3. R

    Too early and when?

    Hey guys, Alpha is feeling…amorous this morning and he’s chasing the pullets about the run. At this point they are about the same size, in some cases bigger, than him. Is it too early for them to mate? Also, when will they start laying? We got them between March 15th and april 15th…roughly. Do I...
  4. R

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    No real recollection of those, but for a time I wanted to get an 8 track player to put on my motorcycle.
  5. R

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Cassettes were still a thing in my day and you could still walk into a record store and buy a select few vinyls.
  6. R

    I'm so old I Remember when:

    Damn...I was going to say $0.98/gal...
  7. R

    Proof of life

    So far so good. Chick seems happy and healthy, no one is picking on him/her. hoping for a Roo. Other eggs are still under the heat lamp with no discernable activity. Haven't had time to take to candle test them yet, but have them there just in case. I'll give them till the end of the weekend...
  8. R

    Adding onto the chicken holder 3000

    Agreed. Was only using the chicken wire to contain my pullets for a couple of weeks while they got a smidge bigger. I do plan on adding hardware cloth, but I’ll be doubling the size of the run and the shape and walls will change. Floor currently has hardware cloth over every square inch. Doing a...
  9. R

    Proof of life

    Taken over the last three days.
  10. R

    Adding onto the chicken holder 3000

    Salvaged some metal roofing from a demo job and now my coop has a roof!!! Began boarding up the back wall of solid 2x4… eventually, this thing will be hurricane proof! But the Florida rains have been wreaking havoc on my feeders, so I had to get them under something. Searching for more...
  11. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Mom left the nest. I’m going to candle them when I get home. I don’t know what day. Heat lamp for another day or two if they look viable. Lacey disappeared one day then we found her nestled in the back of a work bench shelf and she was sitting on a nest made of tyvek and Barclamps. So I’ve...
  12. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    WELL I GOT ANSWERS!!! Had a bad rain storm coming and Lacey and the chick were pretty well in the open and had both escaped the enclosure I had them in. So I had to do something. Re set up the coop for babies. Caught the chick, caught Lacey, moved them both into the coop with the other three I...
  13. R

    Broody hen won’t move off chicks

    Ahh, dogs fine. Inquisitive little husky kept messing with her. Not trying to hurt the chicken or anything but Lacey had enough of it and ended running underneath the dog, pecking at her check like she was playing whack a mole. Dog freaked out, but that was the worst of it.
  14. R

    Is it time to free range my pullets?

    It varies. I’d say the oldest were purchased in mid march. The rest 2-3 weeks later. The oldest ones are larger than my smallest adult.
  15. R

    Is it time to free range my pullets?

    So the flock has been integrated in the run for two full days and the pullets have been in the run a total of two weeks prior to that. Is it time to start free ranging them? Or should I keep them all cooped up for another couple of days?
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