Recent content by SandyRiverChick

  1. SandyRiverChick

    New and need rat help !

    YES this! Do the reading. It's a painfully long read/watch but do it. Initially I was resistant and did a speed read, wanted a fast track.... Al G and Howard E, changed my ways. Rats are out there in woods. They should be and have every right, I mean I live in a Nat'l forest. But they don't...
  2. SandyRiverChick

    New and need rat help !

    I don't know how many fellow Six Sigma peeps may be on here. But I think no one would question this Project Charter. Just want you to know that stakeholders are every chicken keeper and beyond. It's sort of a fun exercise for me as a SS black belt. Sorry to say I'm headed out of town for the...
  3. SandyRiverChick

    Chick starter food out of stock, need advice

    I'm glad to hear you say this because for the longest time my local feed store chicken expert has cautioned me about the issues that are created by giving backyard layer chicks, feed that is intended for fast growth/meat birds. I want to clarify that I would only choose this feed on a very...
  4. SandyRiverChick

    New and need rat help !

    I feel your pain. It made me feel yucky too. And I had a friend with the most beautiful coop I've ever seen but she had rats eating eggs, bringing her to tears, I felt not alone... I WILL write a article this weekend and share with you. In the meantime I can tell you that I read alot from Al...
  5. SandyRiverChick

    Covered Chicken feeder station

    I've tried several smallish, lower to ground options but here in the PNW it rains sideways, and I was never able to keep feeders completely dry. So finally, I did a large as possible roofing off of the back of my coop. Now all is dry.
  6. SandyRiverChick

    Will these breeds get bullied?

    That's a very good list in my opinion and I do work hard at flock peace starting with not getting breeds with tendency for meanness. ☮️
  7. SandyRiverChick

    New and need rat help !

    Yeah smoke bombs is not something I'd think would work at all. You can stick a hose down a tunnel and potentially drown some pinkies but even that is not going to solve the problem. I used to try just one or 2 things to see if I could get results but it wasnt until I did a full on Six Sigma...
  8. SandyRiverChick

    Rehoming Entire Flock- Help need Advice

    On the menu bar where you see "Forums" you can select "find threads," just one way to find your state. Also this link. And, the Farm and Garden section of Craig's list is what I'd use. Sorry you have to rehome them but you sound very...
  9. SandyRiverChick

    RUN done!

    :welcome VERY nice! You have skills! ENJOY.
  10. SandyRiverChick

    Lacing vs barring

    Pretty bird, I stand by statement that someone took a black sharpie to that white chicken 🤣 🤣
  11. SandyRiverChick

    New and need rat help !

    If you do a forum search on "Rats" you will find many, many threads with helpful information on how to rid yourself of rats. Basic concept is don't provide what they need and want, take it from there as to "how." Thanks for helping see that I'm "free ranging," whatever that means.... 😊 Good Luck.
  12. SandyRiverChick

    Lacing vs barring

    I always describe lacing as it looks like someone took a Sharpie and made an outline. It should be a line around the outside/edge of the feather.
  13. SandyRiverChick

    The Old Folks Home

    Couldn't believe I woke up to back pain not near as bad 😊 I just have to remind myself over and over this weekend to NOT lift heavy things and put this in reverse. Happy Friday!
  14. SandyRiverChick

    Chick starter food out of stock, need advice

    Broiler feed, not homemade, is what I'd do.
  15. SandyRiverChick

    Red light in coop

    :welcome If they've successfully been getting in there before sunset when they can still see, you're good. If they are out past sunset, at a certain point chickens cant see in the dark. I keep a light on in my coop because mine free range and I want the coop to look lighter than the outdoors for...
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