Recent content by sheenersb

  1. sheenersb

    Help identifying breed on adult duck

    I appreciate all of the info you’ve shared. She certainly didn’t get enough food or nutrition her first year, she is just teeny! But her legs are normal height and size, so she reminds me of a turkey when she walks. Lots of waddles! My Cayuga girl Charolette has quite literally taken her under...
  2. sheenersb

    Help identifying breed on adult duck

    And my fav duck, my only drake… is sadly in the freezer now. He’s been excessively mating our girls and since I have them for egg production, I just couldn’t justify keeping him around any longer. He was my fav but also has been aggressive with me and my dog lately nipping at my heels each time...
  3. sheenersb

    Help identifying breed on adult duck

    I picked Miss Henrietta up today and brought her home. She is TEENY. She might only be a pound or two, max. Half the size of my welsh harlequins, maybe even smaller. I was told she is a year old, but my goodness she is so small. I’m wondering if she just didn’t get enough food in her first...
  4. sheenersb

    Help identifying breed on adult duck

    Thank you so much for helping me identify! We initially wanted some Campbell’s but after watching videos we thought they might be too skittish for us. I suppose now we’ll have one! My friend said when he found her in the tumbleweeds the crows were pulling feathers off of her, and she also has...
  5. sheenersb

    Help identifying breed on adult duck

    A friend recently took a few ducks in from some horse stalls and put them on his farm property. One female was being bred by a male pekin, rather aggressively as one can assume, and she barely got away. My friend found her tucked in tumbleweeds with crows around her trying to peck at her and...
  6. sheenersb

    Ducks First Snow and Prep Question

    Can you show me your buckets? My ducks are too short for the ones I have on hand. And what bucket warmer do you have? Thank you!
  7. sheenersb

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Just 4 from 7 ducks. One girl for sure is taking a break, she’s my Cayuga and the only one that lays black or gray eggs and we haven’t had one in 5 days or more. I wondered if they would slow down for winter, and it appears they finally have!
  8. sheenersb

    Calcium Gluconate for Egg Bound Ducks - Preliminary

    I fear she doesn’t appear any better. We had to go out of town yesterday for most the day and this morning thankfully she is alive but she is still panting/breathing heavy. Her tail does pump a bit but when I picked her up I couldn’t feel anything. I’ve given her more calcium today and a...
  9. sheenersb

    Calcium Gluconate for Egg Bound Ducks - Preliminary

    Oh you have made me feel so much better about things. We were able to get her a good dose of the calcium this late afternoon and will try again before we put her up tonight. I think giving her the warm baths is just adding significant stress as her panting intensifies immensely when I have her...
  10. sheenersb

    Calcium Gluconate for Egg Bound Ducks - Preliminary

    Thank you! She is panting really heavily now. I thought I could feel an egg in her when I first picked her up but couldn’t feel it after I prepped the bath and meds (that took about an hour) and there is no egg to be found. I feel so bad. I tried giving her the calcium and I don’t think she got...
  11. sheenersb

    Female duck panting

    Did you figure your situation out?
  12. sheenersb

    Calcium Gluconate for Egg Bound Ducks - Preliminary

    @Miss Lydia , One of my girls is egg bound I believe. She isn’t separating herself from others but slower moving and I think doing the tail pump as described in other posts. She also kind of “pants” at the same time. She is drinking normally but I want to get on top of this. In addition to the...
  13. sheenersb

    Soft Ducks Eggs - How to treat when you don’t know the hen with the issue?

    What does pumping their tail look like? I did notice one was off by herself for a minute late yesterday morning when I left the house but couldn’t tell which. She was in the alfalfa so I couldn’t see her leg band and the others were snuggled under a wheelbarrow with one more in a pool.
  14. sheenersb

    Soft Ducks Eggs - How to treat when you don’t know the hen with the issue?

    Hey there, I have 8 girls and get 5-7 eggs each day. The girls were all born in April of this year. For the last three weeks I keep finding soft shelled eggs around my 1/2 acre yard, usually broken and most of the time there are two together, as if one hen is laying two eggs at a time, both soft...
  15. sheenersb

    Metzer Welsh harlequin eggs?

    Hey there! Now that it’s been well over a year, how are your ducks doing from Metzers, laying wise? I bought 6 girls from them and realized after the fact they claim the breed lays HALF the amount of eggs as everyone else. I bought them solely for egg laying, and so far at over 20 weeks they...
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