Recent content by SkyRedWing

  1. SkyRedWing

    Leting a sick chick outside?

    Hey, sorry I never replied, but I wanted to let you guys know that the little chick has completely recovered and is now fully feathered out and happy as can be! Thank you so much for all of your helpful advice
  2. SkyRedWing

    Just Blue Eyes... or Marek's?

    Okay, thank you. I will try to repost this there :) i didn't know you could do that.
  3. SkyRedWing

    Just Blue Eyes... or Marek's?

    Im so sorry to hear about your chickens :( I really hope mine do not have it aswell. Is there a way to know if they have it for sure?
  4. SkyRedWing

    Just Blue Eyes... or Marek's?

    So here are a few pictures from when they were two weeks old or so. the first image shows the one with the oval eye (the one looking right at the camera), the second shows the shape of all the other chick eyes for comparison, and the last shows the closed eye of sick chick when it could not open...
  5. SkyRedWing

    Just Blue Eyes... or Marek's?

    Hey everyone, I am a first time chicken raiser and I am a proud mother of 11, 5-week-old Buff Orpington chicks. I noticed that when I look at images of other BOs, they all have golden brown or reddish eyes but all of my chicks have light or grey/blue eyes. I do not think they have always...
  6. SkyRedWing

    Wyandotte Roo with Buff Orpington Hens?

    Wow, this was sooo helpful. Thank you so much!
  7. SkyRedWing

    Leting a sick chick outside?

    Yes, you're probably right! I think I will do that and hope that the others reaccept her later. She actually opened her eye just a little today so hopefully she will regain the use of it as time goes on. idk Thank you so much for ur input! :)
  8. SkyRedWing

    Wyandotte Roo with Buff Orpington Hens?

    Hey all, I am currently raising 11 Buff Orpington hens for my first flock and am trying to figure out what to do about roos. If none of my Orpingtons are roos, I would really love to get a Wyandotte roo because they are just so beautiful :D However, I have no idea if these too breeds...
  9. SkyRedWing

    Leting a sick chick outside?

    Hi everyone, This is my first time raising chicks, and I have 11 Buff Orpingtons that are almost a month old. A lot of their feathers have grown in and I have been thinking of letting them out into the coop in a week or so but one of the chicks isn't doing so well. About a week ago she became...
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