Recent content by txolillo

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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    Sicilian Buttercups, never heard about them! But if they are sicilian they might be okay here!
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    Hola! Those breeds are very good free rangers, but are from northern Spain and I am afraid they might suffer in the mediterranean. Anyway, I'd love to try!
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    New chickens arrived on Tuesday - The "new base": 4 Blue Andalusians (16 weeks), 2 Brown Andalusians (6 weeks), 8 Americanas - unsexed - (6w) - The "ambassadors of the fox killed races": 6 Ameraucanas (6 weeks--- I only wanted 3, but it looks like I clicked twice by mistake) 2 Leghorn (6w) 2...
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    I think I never saw Phoenix here, but maybe I have to look more or get in touch with someone who has them
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    My fear is that they are more mountain type than the place I live. But all is trying
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    Hola! My initial breed choice is easy to explain: unexperience ☺️ And the rest of the choices, more or less the same. I learn by doing, and so far we were happy with the ability that was being developed for self feeding… until the fox. So now I am thinking more in predator issues, wich is...
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    Hola @Sally PB ! This is the only survivor of the fox attack, in the "viejo gallinero" (old coop) where she is staying while we develop the new setup and new chicks arrive (next week) This black and white Roosters are the Chulillos. This two were killed by the fox (as all the other chickens...
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    Hola! My name is Antonio, I am from Denia, a 45000 inhabitants mediterranean town in Spain. I do live in the farm that my great grandmother bought 70 years ago, being my current life project to give it a new life after its fall, as it was a monocultive orange orchard for the last decades...
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    Successful 100% forage diet experiment (long post)

    So… this worked okay till last night 😞 I had Plymouths and Ameraucanas. Then added Sussex and Chulillas. And three months ago, Leghorn, many Andalusians, Pekin and Faverolles. Also I had “Americanas” and Marans hatched in the incubator. So, yesterday I had a total of 45 birds. But Fox came. In...
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    Successful 100% forage diet experiment (long post)

    Hola from Spain! I am new in the chickens world, I have 20 chickens from different races since last June, and this thread is the thing that I wanted to do since I started and everybody around told me that it was crazy. I have a mobile chicken coop that we move around our tree rows every week...
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