Recent content by Welshies

  1. Welshies

    Breeds: Help Me Pick!

    I decided on quail.
  2. Welshies

    Favorite Horse Videos and Pictures

    Secretariat and Snowman were legends.
  3. Welshies

    Red Tailed Hawks hunt in pairs, sometimes.

    Me too. They are awesomely beautiful, I love taking pictures of them... but they are fearsome... especially to bird owners!
  4. Welshies

    Red Tailed Hawks hunt in pairs, sometimes.

    It was probably a pair of siblings or mates you saw. The only time they hunt in pairs.
  5. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    Good. I hope the website is easier to navigate now. Soon there will be more pictures. I do believe the wording and descriptions are key to getting clients, and they certainly seem a LOT better than before!
  6. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    Yes! That would help a lot :)
  7. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    If I cropped the picture, it might help? I will try.
  8. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    No, we live 20 minutes from an indoor arena and make weekly trips in winter.
  9. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    Good point! For now I'll leave a lot of the pictures up there. As I get more and more good pictures though, some will get replaced. The biggest thing will be making sure I have pictures on many different horses or with many different horses- to show I do work with more than one horse. @Kusanar...
  10. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    Ah, alright. I am still making some modification to make easier navigation. I.e., "Facilities Slideshow" under our "about" page, then AFTER that, have the trainer (me) about and a slideshow of me riding and training. I think I will add a My Horses page. As well as continue to get more pictures...
  11. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    I also see a huge trend in training websites. There is a "My horses" page. Should I be adding that? Why would it be on the website? I will be adding more photos of our facilities and my riding and training on Wednesday.
  12. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    Thank you @casportopony How does it look now, guys? I adjusted it (a lot).
  13. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    Okay. Thank you... I will consider your advice and make some adjustments and more detailed information.
  14. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    That was because the website was too hard to navigate. It is way easier now.
  15. Welshies

    How To Make Success As A Horse Trainer

    That is true, but a phone is easy to use. As is my soloshot- which I already have- and it's made for this kind of thing.
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