BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens

Folly's place
Folly's place
I think they are adorable too! Hatching eggs, maybe. I'll let you know.
Folly's place
Folly's place
Did you get the straight EE bantam pullet, with clean green legs, or the pullets with odd colors and slightly feathered legs? They are the mixes.
Oh! Now that I think about it...I got one of each! My favorite one is the EE bantam pullet, but I love them both. Do you have any bantam EE available?
Folly's place
Folly's place
I might have some of both, depending on hatchability. I'll be keeping eggs starting tomorrow.
Folly's place
Folly's place
I have over a dozen bantam EE- Belgian d'Uccle cross hatching eggs available, are you interested? The hens are the d'Uccles, daddy is the EE.
I'm just now seeing this! I want them! Feel free to email me at [email protected]
I'm more reliable that way
Folly's place
Folly's place
Those eggs are long gone because I didn't hear from you. I can save more though.
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