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  1. BelovedBirds

    Shrink wrapped?

    Please research before taking action, this has been rushed. Ducklings are very slow hatchers, it's normal for them to take 24-48 hours after external pip, before zipping. Now they've been rushed, and the membrane is at risk of drying out. The holes are also far too big, especially on the far...
  2. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    When I no longer live with my parents, my dogs will wear rainbow bandanas :D
  3. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Happy pride month!!! Time to make pride art yay!! :D
  4. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Bonnie is a new bunny! The spay really did change everything She was previously quite naughty, she'd nip, scratch violently... I tolerated this because I knew she was just territorial and she had a really bad start in life, I rescued her when she was 10 months old from a horrible neglectful...
  5. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I'm sorry for your losses:(
  6. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I want a bow tie. Bow ties are cool
  7. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Thats a good idea Would clear bags work, for bigger bushier plants?
  8. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I desperately need to prune and propagate my Eve's pin cactus. She must be 6 years old, or older, and she's got soo many shoots, really bushy and branched out. She's going to fall out of her pot at this rate! Oh, also can anyone advise on ways to raise humidity for more tropical plants? I've...
  9. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Home! Back home from my adventures. With half of Yorkshire, in the form of plants. (I may have gotten 3, and then two more :oops: ) The girls were happy to see me!!! And you'd best believe I picked up Dougie and Sprightly, one under each arm, kissing the hell out of them in a long cuddle...
  10. BelovedBirds

    Can ducks survive in hot temperatures?

    A word of warning, be careful giving them ice cubes if you suspect heat stroke. In that case, it's best to spray them with cool water to bring their temp down gradually. Ordinarily though, ice/cold water can be good for keeping them cool yes. How old are they, and are they in the garage 24/7...
  11. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    @fluffycrow You know the succulent I got today? How do I propagate?
  12. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Also I fibbed I got two :D Inchplant I believe
  13. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Ooh! Any care tips? I looked it up and I believe I know the species but any advice is welcome, still super new to succulents :) It was hard to choose, there was a whole tray in this sweet little shop, so many varieties! But this was the first that stood out to me, so had to take her home.
  14. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Just one more maybe...? :D
  15. BelovedBirds

    New Muscovy Mom is VERY rough with her new babies.. 😢

    As long as they're not injured, they'll be fine. This is part of life, and part of owning poultry. Even if the hatch wasn't staggered, which shouldn't have been allowed to happen due to problems like this, rejection at hatch is always a possibility. It's important to remember that mum isn't...
  16. BelovedBirds

    Duck Bleeding From Mouth & Butt

    How is her breathing? Does she seem in pain? What medication is she on and how long for? How old is she? The coughing blood makes me think internal injury and bleeding, perhaps as simple as eating something sharp. But the pooping blood at the same time is a bit more startling. Id suggest a...
  17. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    In the entire store only one plant was u healthy and that was due to overwatering quite clearly So I'd say pretty good! So many lovely plants to choose from though. The calatheas were stunning. But I knew I wanted to be able to afford more than one, so alas, I picked these lovelies
  18. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I went plant shopping! One peace lily And a monstera deliciosa Can anyone direct me as to what this one is? I know it could be dracaena from the look of it, but what type specifically? I'd like to know care requirements. Unfortunately they were all labelled as "house plant" which was...
  19. BelovedBirds

    Duck eggs, unsure on day. Help.

    Can you post images of the eggs being candled? It's odd to me that they've been incubating 28 days and they were already well into incubation when you put them in there. If I remember correctly?
  20. BelovedBirds

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I met my guinea pigs yesterday:love Long distance pets ATM. It was an expensive rescue situation, the black piggy, Ebony, had huge huge cysts on her ovaries. The owner believed she was miraculously pregnant. Poor girl had been dealing with this for months. All good now though, ovaries gone...
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