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  1. fluffycrow

    Ameracauna hen or rooster?

    EE, could be cockerel
  2. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Last year some of my plants got mealybugs. Brought in from an echeveria von nurnberg. I'm still checking frequently, worrying if they'll be back. You'll get through this, and gain SO much experience from it :hugs !
  3. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I too would prefer to keep things hands off, because none of the birds in the free range group tolerate any kind of handling. The broody is the only one that sort of tolerates handling, but not too much. Especially in these first few days, I'd like to simply observe and not intervene, but so far...
  4. fluffycrow

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Glad you got it under control. Scale is SCARY! You're a very good succulent parent :hugs The last part of your post is what being a succulent parent is all about🤣
  5. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    I'm very excited. I'm hoping her aseel side shines through, and she becomes a very protective mother. She's going to need it, being in the same pen with Miss Mayhem. Judging from the fact that she's gone broody at 10 months old while she was artificially brooded and incubated, I think it has so...
  6. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    Thank you! I can do something similar, as in, making sure the other birds can't get to her. I was thinking of putting a large vegetable crate on top hers in the mornings while the birds are laying, so that they don't bother her. I can't limit access to the coop entirely, because all the other...
  7. fluffycrow

    Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

    So, it finally happened. Someone from the free rangers went broody. It's Big Red's (and Gogo's) daughter. I thought I heard some clucking from her on Thursday, so I left some eggs in the nest box Friday morning. Soon enough, she was sitting on them. I gave her more eggs from the mix breed...
  8. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    If these little dummies want to act like quail, they better not crow like them too!
  9. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Do your adults do this as well, or only your sub-adults and juveniles?
  10. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Cruella didn't like to teach her kids to roost either. Even so, all her kids insisted on roosting. I think it has to do with genetics, to a degree
  11. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    If only their ground sleeping was as affective as a quail covey! Their ground roosting is more akin to stacked boxes
  12. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    These serama are WEIRD! I've never had chicks not wanting to roost before!
  13. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Up until recently, only the special got names, so this whole naming this is hilarious :lau ! Trying to get into the lineages makes everyone confused!
  14. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Right? The confused looks I get from family members are priceless :lau
  15. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    I did not hatch Lady Gaga, and his name is not an accident! So long story short (sort of), I knew he was a boy before he got his name. Lady Gaga has this one song, in which her bodyguard sings as a background voice. Since this beautiful serama boy would be a "bodyguard" to his females, I thought...
  16. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    It was a joke. I know that you don't love the name Lady Gaga, so that's why I said it :hugs
  17. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    I'm sure your birds loved that suggestion :lau
  18. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    I know the feeling @tlcmurphy ! Serama are MUCH easier to clean compared to my LFs
  19. fluffycrow

    The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

    Could be a chapette. By the time they are to be given, it will be very clear what Haris/number three is
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