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  1. wrathsfarm

    Managing coop heat/cold

    I would add more shade for them in the run. You mentioned shade in the am and pm, but mid day is when it's normally hottest out there in the sun.
  2. wrathsfarm

    Coop is a metal shed

    I would 1/2" HC behind both of those window plastic panels first.. then add more venting as high up as possible on both sides.
  3. wrathsfarm

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    And a pic of that incubator... Don't pitch that just yet, @z3lda3 . You may need it for Marans eggs. 🙂
  4. wrathsfarm

    Before I rebuild, what would yall do differently?

    Makes dubbing seem more logical, besides not getting big comb breeds.
  5. wrathsfarm


  6. wrathsfarm

    New girls in the house

    Yeah, that makes it more difficult. Does the new coop have a run you could coax them into? At this point, if you could get them into the new run or coop all at once no matter what time it is. Lock them in, and keep them locked in for a couple few days to 'home' them to new coop.
  7. wrathsfarm

    New girls in the house

    You have 6 now? While they are circling their coop, scoop them up and put them in new coop. A little scratch in there might distract them from trying to flee. May have to do this for a few nights or they may associate the scratch at that same time every night and acclimate to the new coop that way.
  8. wrathsfarm

    Day 21 and no zipping

    Hope the other one hatches for you...🤞 Edited to add... If by chance it doesn't, I would suggest running to the feed store to get the little one some buddies to grow with, so it's not alone. Hatching more than just 2 eggs helps here.. But hopefully the second hatches and all is well 👍
  9. wrathsfarm

    Question for Rooster ppl, rooster taking cues from other rooster?

    Been trying to catch one of my 2- 10 wk olds crowing on video but the little bugger always stops when I come around. Gonna have to get sneaky stalker on him...🤣
  10. wrathsfarm

    A Tale of Two Orpies

    I think your suspicions are correct. Jane is a John.
  11. wrathsfarm

    Have you Incubated for others?

    You do this all 'word of mouth', so far? I've seen some ads on CL in my area for this.
  12. wrathsfarm

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    That iridescence is absolutely stunning..... Wow!! ♥️
  13. wrathsfarm

    Broody Vs non-broody lifespan

    Interesting question and just here to follow along for curiosity.
  14. wrathsfarm

    I some how missed this, I apologize. And thank you. 🙂

    I some how missed this, I apologize. And thank you. 🙂
  15. wrathsfarm

    Thank you 💕

    Thank you 💕
  16. wrathsfarm

    Thank you ♥️

    Thank you ♥️
  17. wrathsfarm

    International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

    He's 2-3 months? I would expect crowing any time, I have 2 that are 10 weeks old tomorrow. The one started crowing between 8-9 weeks, I haven't heard the other crow yet, but the one that's crowing is the dominant of the two so that stands to a possible reason why the other isn't. No definitive...
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