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  1. S

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    So I have guineas rather than chickens, and since they all kinda look the same they don't really have proper names bc a lot of them I can't tell apart 😅 but I did name a few of them after something they have that distinguishes them from the others! As a result they all ended up with really silly...
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hello again! Lots going on for me so far this year haha! My guinea hens have just started laying, I found the first egg of the year in the coop yesterday! They are officially two years old now, their birthday was in March :> I've been making lots of improvements to their coop so far this...
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    guinea hen with big swollen abdomen after predator attack

    Well, if anyone's curious about how this worked out, since I realize I never posted any updates... after a lot of searching and calling around I was able to find a vet about an hour away who took poultry, and it turned out the swelling was in fact a severe hernia. We ended up putting her down in...
  4. S

    What killed my guineas?

    Not yet... there's at least two of them I've seen around & captured on my trail cameras, one big, very orange one & a smaller one. My next-door neighbor's been very kindly helping me out with things, but of course there isn't hide nor hair of them when we have a gun handy :he Still trying though!
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    guinea hen with big swollen abdomen after predator attack

    Hmm, that's a possibility I hadn't considered. It feels a lot more like fluid than air though... She's still doing fine as of this morning, besides a bit of diarrhea, crop's emptying properly, eating & drinking well, energetic, etc... haven't seen her actively lay an egg but its impossible to...
  6. S

    guinea hen with big swollen abdomen after predator attack

    Hey guys, I am currently dealing with the aftermath of a coyote attack that took 10 of my guinea flock, and one of my surviving hens has suddenly developed a very swollen abdomen over the last couple of days. When it first started I thought maybe she whacked her body on a branch or something...
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    What killed my guineas?

    I am, but I am also not a very good shot :oops: I think I will go talk to my neighbors & see if they might be willing to help me out, just to be safe. They have free range poultry as well so, I'm sure they will be more than happy to take on these guys.
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    What killed my guineas?

    Update, I have witnessed the beast with my own two eyes... it is indeed a coyote. How best to deal with him and his friend(s)?
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    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    Huh! Sure enough... I must be a little too far east for bobcats to really be a big presence here, I don't think I've ever heard any mention of them being in this area since I've lived here, much less ever seen one haha. How interesting! Now I have something new to look out for 👀
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    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    Ahh, yeah I'm in Virginia, I should have specified, sorry!! I don't think we have bobcats here, afaik ^^; But we do have foxes and coyotes for sure. I think I have the confirmation I was seeking, though... drove up to the pastures today where all this happened and lo and behold, there's a big...
  11. S

    What killed my guineas?

    Unfortunately I only have the one coop, so don't really have a good place I could move them to at the moment to really separate them x.x I may be able to convert something but it will take me a while to get set up... but I can see about maybe adding some additional line of sight breaks if that...
  12. S

    What killed my guineas?

    ...I don't have much hope 😢 I'm thinking there must have been more than one coyote or whatever it was to have killed so many of them so quickly... I *was* originally missing 11 the first night, and then one did show up the next morning outside the coop just in awful shape, missing all of his...
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    What killed my guineas?

    Ugh, that's what I was afraid of. Of course it had to be coyotes...
  14. S

    What killed my guineas?

    Well... if it is coyotes I think I have an idea of where they might have come from. There is a heavily wooded area between our property and our neighbor on the opposite end of our 100 acre property from where the coop is located, and judging the direction from which the attack began, & that we...
  15. S

    What killed my guineas?

    Hi guys, I am trying to figure out what killed 10 of my guineas the day before yesterday, & what I need to do about it to protect my remaining guineas. No bodies were left, just piles of feathers, one after the other down a hill through the woods to a steep gully where I think it finally gave up...
  16. S

    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    Well, I am back & I think I can safely say that no more of my missing guineas will be turning up :c I did a thorough comb of the gorge area and surrounding woods and found quite a few additional piles of feathers ranging up the hill to one of our back pastures that I had missed yesterday, and...
  17. S

    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    Ahh, I should have taken some pictures while I was there today, I had my phone with me and everything! I wasn't thinking... I'll go back out there tomorrow to get some & try again to rustle up any survivors. Unfortunately it rained pretty heavily this morning before I went out so I'm worried any...
  18. S

    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    Well, it was a productive hike I will say that, but it is not good news I am afraid. I did find the crime scene, there were at least three significant piles of feathers I found way back in the woods all along a gully running down to a nearby creek, & a pile of either dog or coyote poop right...
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    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    I'm planning on taking a long hike through the more heavily forested areas today along the edges of our property to check for any signs of a struggle, so I will give your sound recording idea a try! They are quasi-whistle trained as well, so I will bring that with me too to see if they will...
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    Half of my guinea flock has disappeared in one go

    Ohh no, my poor babies! The one guinea that showed up this morning was missing a big chunk of tail feathers and was quite shaken up, so I think you might be on to something. Ugh, that makes me so angry! Well... I will keep searching for the others, if there is even a small chance some of them...
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