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  • Users: Tigertrea
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  1. Tigertrea

    Egg whites not white/clear?

    My husband has mentioned to me twice now that in the past couple of weeks he has found some eggs with cloudy, tan and even greenish whites. I haven't seen any other than some cloudy ones, I've assumed that is from them freezing in the coop before being collected. Their diet right now is...
  2. Tigertrea

    Getting them to go outside!

    Since it got fairly cold here a few days ago my chickens are avoiding the outside at all costs. I keep their water (on a heat base) outside, close to the pop door and feed inside. I see them go out to get a quick drink now and then but, other than that they don't venture out at all. They have a...
  3. Tigertrea

    Thinking of "starting over".

    So, I got some hatchery chickens last spring.They did really well until winter when they started having a feather picking problem. It has become a habit I just can't seem to break. Extra protein, as much free range time as possible, less "treats" so they eat their food, Stop pick every few days...
  4. Tigertrea

    One hen being picked on. (sorry long post with background info)

    My chickens are just over 1yr old. I started with 11 but, culled one roo last summer then the other about a month ago after he started to get way too aggressive with people. I also had one hen die a couple of weeks ago. She had been "unwell" most of her life after battling sour crop at about 12...
  5. Tigertrea

    long time chicken owners. Is there any truth to this?....

    Roos get more aggressive in the spring "breeding" season? I have a neighbour who has had chickens for a long time. We were telling him that our roo started attacking us this spring and he said "Oh, he'll calm down in a few weeks when breeding season is over". I'm not sure I believe this.
  6. Tigertrea

    Looks like I'll have to cull my remaining roo

    I've had feather picking issues this winter, likely due to space issues (first winter with chickens, learned a lot). So I've been letting my chickens free range for a few hours a day, with supervision. Yesterday and today my roo attacked me while we were outside. Today he did it also while I was...
  7. Tigertrea

    Odd egg colour yesterday.

    I have yet to go out to the garage fridge to take a look at the egg but, my hubby said we got a white egg yesterday! I have 2 RIR (hatchery stock, likely mixed), 2 BRs, 2 BSL and 3 "columbian reds". I have always gotten medium brown eggs, some with speckles. The sizes vary but, not by much...
  8. Tigertrea

    Nest box help please.

    I currently have my nest boxes inside my coop. This summer I plan on a) expanding my coop or b) changing to nest boxes that hang on the outside. I just want a little more floor space for my birds. My biggest issue is my DH is going to be doing the building. When he and his dad built my coop...
  9. Tigertrea

    So What do you think? Picking? Molting? both? Somewhat pic heavy

    I took a whole bunch of pics of my birds today, here are some of the ones that show the damaged feathers best. This is the one who had the wound being pecked at. The other feather kids. Close up of above Chicken This is a close up of my Roo. Close up of one of the below chickens...
  10. Tigertrea

    hen pecking and wounding another

    AHHHH!!! I came home today and one of my hens had a (a coumbian mix) bleeding spot on her rump. I saw one of my black sex linked peck at her a few times. I remembered it can be lack of protein so, I just went and got a layer supplement (22% protein). Should I replace their layer with flax (17%...
  11. Tigertrea

    roo missing fluff feathers.

    I just went out to collect eggs and noticed my rooster is missing a bunch of fluff feathers, just below his tail feathers on his bum. The skin is not inflamed at all and nobody else is missing feathers. I have 1 roo and 9 hens. I'm not sure but, I'm thinking this is from him breeding the hens so...
  12. Tigertrea

    Holy Huge Egg!

    I'm sure others have gotten one this big but, I was shocked when I saw it. I had to clean it off because it had a fair amount of blood on it. Here is another pic of it. On the right is the smallest egg I've gotten (I think a first egg from my sour crop girl), in the middle an "average"...
  13. Tigertrea

    Not sure where this belongs....culled a Roo today

    My very first cull! Kill, pluck, butcher and now in a brine to be BBQd tomorrow! I wasn't sure I'd be able to kill him but, I did. We made a killing cone out of a bucket. I found slitting his throat harder than I though it would be and wound up cutting his windpipe too but, I got the job done...
  14. Tigertrea

    Finished another Canadian Champion conformation show dog this weekend.

    This is the first dog we have actually bought in a long, long time. He was purchased from a long time friend for the specific purpose of breeding to one of our females. CH Kabu's Wendigo Smoke (Echo).
  15. Tigertrea

    Doing the happy dance!

    I needed a pick up today with my chickens. I have one likely dying from sour crop (treatment not going well) and I had another who had been laying for 4 days quit laying on me. WELL...Yesterday I had to do some work on my nest boxes and decided to give the hen (that stopped laying) an option...
  16. Tigertrea

    Getting desperate with sour crop pullet.

    18 week old RIR (hatchery stock). No other birds ill in the flock, no sign of worms that I see. I noticed her crop about 10 days ago. I separated her, withheld food, flushed her crop and vomited her. I could not feel anything hard in her crop so decided to leave her alone, feed her soft food...
  17. Tigertrea

    Feather picking in a "sick bay" bird.

    I have a bird (17wk RIR) I have isolated to treat for sour crop. I noticed today she was getting worse again after 3 days of improving.(not wanting to eat, crop very distended) I decided to give her crop a feel and it was very mushy, gassy feeling. So, I flushed and vomited her. Some grass came...
  18. Tigertrea

    Day 2 with no egg....

    My young chicken just started laying about a week ago. She had an egg daily for about 4 days. After day 2 the eggs started getting bigger and for 2 days she laid average sized eggs. Yesterday no egg and she was lethargic. I was quite worried about her. Today again no egg but, she is not...
  19. Tigertrea

    Sour crop chicken will not eat soft food.

    One of my 4mo old RIRs. She seems to be doing OK. I flushed and vomited her, withholding food for about 36 hours. her crop is still a bit large but, is not filling anymore. I had to take news paper out of her seclusion pen (dog crate) because she kept eating it. I gave her plain yogurt and she...
  20. Tigertrea

    Not liking next boxes at all!!

    So, I've now gotten 3 eggs in 2 days. The first in the middle of the coop, under the roost, so I think it was a "fall out" egg. The other 2 under my nest boxes. I started with torn paper in the boxes. I didn't think they'd like it all that much, it was just a place holder until I could get...
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