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  1. quackingdom

    Is it a myth that water removes an egg's bloom?

    A lot of people seem to think that rinsing an egg with plain water will wash the protective bloom/cuticle off. I've always thought so too, but then a post on Instagram questioning this caught my attention and I decided to research it. Now I'm not so sure. There are various studies researching...
  2. quackingdom

    Kiwi is sick

    Please help...Kiwi seems to be sick. Kiwi is a 3-year-old female Muscovy duck. On either Friday or Saturday, I noticed that she seemed to be favoring her right leg and laying down a lot. I didn't see anything wrong with the leg, so I thought it was nothing unusual. Every once in a while, one of...
  3. quackingdom

    Duck with five webbed toes

    Someone emailed me with a picture of their Muscovy duck with five webbed toes. :eek: I told them it was probably an unusual deformity. No bird naturally has feet like this. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? If not, I just thought I'd share these pics (with permission) in case...
  4. quackingdom

    How much can the temperature fluctuate?

    I'm incubating eight goose eggs (in a Hova-Bator 1602N), and I read that the temperature is supposed to be 99.5 degrees. However, the incubator temperature seems to fluctuate an awful lot, from 96 to 102. I have two thermometers, one of which I know is pretty accurate. This is probably...
  5. quackingdom

    Adult Muscovy duck lost her voice

    Daphne's a 3-year-old female Muscovy duck. Her voice has sounded normal until about a week ago. It sounds like a hoarse whisper now. I didn't do anything about it, because she was eating, drinking, talking (apparently unaware that she sounded more like an owl than a duck), and everything she...
  6. quackingdom

    Geese breed/sex help

    I just brought home my first geese. The seller couldn't tell me the breed, but she said all the piebald ones were males and all the grey ones were females. So I thought they might be one of the autosexing breeds. Then I got home and looked at some pictures, and all the autosexing breeds have...
  7. quackingdom

    Ducks and geese interbreeding

    Is it possible? I'm thinking about buying a few Chinese geese. They will be living with our Muscovy ducks. Will there be any problems? Also, how much does a goose's diet differ from a duck's?
  8. quackingdom

    Muscovy lifespan

    If cared for well, about how long will a Muscovy lay and how long will its entire lifespan be? I've searched and I can't find even an estimate. I have 6-year-old girls that are still prolific layers. I'm quite pleased. I've heard most chickens won't lay for longer than three years.
  9. quackingdom

    Problems with fire ants

    Is there anything I could spread around a broody duck's nest to repel fire ants while the ducklings hatch? We have had problems with fire ants on hatch day for all our previous three hatches, and last year a duckling died from them. Now our fourth batch is hatching. Yesterday when I checked on...
  10. quackingdom

    Fire ants

    Is there anything I could spread around a broody duck's nest to repel fire ants while the ducklings hatch? We have had problems with fire ants on hatch day for all our previous three hatches, and last year a duckling died from them. Now our fourth batch is hatching. Yesterday when I checked on...
  11. quackingdom

    What is the maximum ratio of hens to drakes?

    I really, really would rather have just one drake. It would make things so much easier for us. However, can one drake keep 18 females with a reasonable fertility rate, or will the rates be really low? We have Muscovies. Thanks.
  12. quackingdom

    Wing/feather problems? Advice needed

    After three years of raising ducks, I think I've run into my first health problem. First, one of my young females, Skylar, seems to be developing her wings improperly. She's definitely a female, but her wings are growing strangely slowly. The quills seem rather greasy. I can't describe the way...
  13. quackingdom

    Pictures for duck breed guide

    I have a website about raising ducks ( It's relatively new. I just made a breed guide. I wrote the information, and I have some pictures, but I need more. Does anyone have some nice pictures I can use? I can give you attribution or link to BYC or whatever. This is the...
  14. quackingdom

    Duck Videos Thread!

    I love taking videos and pictures of my Muscovy ducks. Here are some videos of my flock...I hope they will bring a smile to your face (or even a laugh), and possibly even educate you. (Maybe my Assisting Duckling Hatch will be helpful to someone?) The opening and closing scenes are on ALL my...
  15. quackingdom

    New on BYC

    Hi, I'm a new user on BYC, but I've loved this site for a few months now. I don't have chickens yet but I'm hoping to get some soon. I have been raising Muscovy ducks for three years. Currently, I have 16 ducks, out of which seven are juveniles. They are free-range in our backyard during the...
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