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  1. mariesterful

    Covid dosage?

    I have 5-week-old chicks in my brooder, and I've noticed that a couple of them have soft, foamy poo, which concerns me about the possibility of coccidiosis. I've been feeding them unmedicated feed, which may be contributing to their illness. I have CORID-9.6% oral solution on hand and am trying...
  2. mariesterful

    Soft shell egg

    My Wyandotte chicken who is about 8 years old now has been laying soft shell eggs once in awhile and she has access to oyster shell. Is she sick? Concerned mom here.
  3. mariesterful

    Lash egg

    Over the past 8 years, I have been raising chickens, and during that time, I have encountered a total of 4 chickens that developed lash eggs. I'm starting to wonder if there's something I'm doing incorrectly. Can you help me figure out what might be the issue?
  4. mariesterful

    Bloody stool?

    I have this hen who is a rescue so I’m not sure her age. She laid her first egg since molt and now she quiet and not perky this morning I checked her crop it’s a little bit squishy so I assumed maybe impacted crop so I put her in crate with water/ACV then now I just noticed her stool is dark...
  5. mariesterful


    i have a EE pullet that is pooping a little off and it might be from the heat but I'm a worried mom and want to get opinions from you all. I have been providing them fresh water daily with vitamin/electrolyte and today I'm giving them probiotic water. I really hope it's not cocci or something...
  6. mariesterful

    Backyard Chicken ZYFEND A

    Hello there. I have some ZYFEND A and wondering if it is a preventative or is it to get rid of worms? My girls dont have worms but wondered if I can use this for preventative? Is there egg withdrawal for this? TIA!
  7. mariesterful

    Swollen eye lid

    Pepper my elderly hen who is no longer laying. Her one eye lid looks slightly swollen, no liquid coming out her breathing is normal. I cleaned her eye with vetricyn and put vetRX on her beak but I dont think its respiratory infection. Her poop is normal she's perky and eating fine. I googled it...
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