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  1. BantamAshley

    Day 18, Fetus underdeveloped

    I am about to put 7 bantam eggs into lockdown on day 18.5, 6 of the eggs are of normal developement for day 18 (the fetuses fill all “non-airsac” egg space), but one of the eggs appears to be developmentally behind, as if it were on day 15 or so, with the fetus only filling 2/3 of the...
  2. BantamAshley

    frizzle Genetics Question

    FRIZZLE GENE QUESTION! I have Zero visibly frizzled birds, though I do have one straight-feathered Cochin that was born of a friend’s frizzled hen. 1. Does this mean she carries the frizzle gene still? 2. If I breed her with a non-frizzle rooster, could the offspring still potentially be...
  3. BantamAshley

    ISO Bantam Maran

    is anyone aware of a source for Bantam Marans? I’ve been keeping my eye out for About a year now, and just can’t seem to find any online sellers within the states. Thanks!
  4. BantamAshley

    Silkie with straight comb? Help sexing!

    This is a 6 week old silkie that I suspect is a rooster. Included is a current picture of its comb developement. Is there any chance he may still be a she? Thank you!
  5. BantamAshley

    Help Sexing! 5/wk-old silkie w/comb.

    I have Two 5/wk old silkies. A white, and a partridge. I am remaining hopeful that the partridge is a pullet, but what do y’all silkie experts think about the started comb development on the white one? Thank you very much for your time.
  6. BantamAshley

    Help! sexing 6/wk Sultan w/comb

    this is a six week old sultan that is starting to have some comb development. I am assuming that it is going to be a roo, could I be wrong? Do the pullets develope combs as well? Thanks!
  7. BantamAshley

    Help sexing blue bearded Belgian d’anver.

    i have a 3 week old blue belgian bearded d'anver. Would anyone with experience with this breed be able to tell me what traits I can start to look for in determining the sex? I understand he may be to young right now, but I’d just like to know what I can keep an eye out for, as I have found...
  8. BantamAshley

    Help. Sexing Turken.

    I have a 4 week old turken, that is probably to young to sex, but do any experienced Turken folk have any advice on what I could be looking out for as it grows in determining the sex? At what age can you typically tell with Turkens? What do you look out for first? Thank you!
  9. BantamAshley

    Help sexing. confirm pullets.

    I am trying to determine the sex of two 6-week old chicks. I have an old English game (the lighter) and a Golden sebright. (The darker) I think that they are both pullets, though this is my first time raising chicks, so I can’t be to confident. Any input would be very appreciated! Thanks so much.
  10. BantamAshley

    Help. Sexing a white sultan.

    I have a three week old white sultan. I’m guessing it is to early to know, but what are some tell tail signs that I can start to look out for in determining the sex of this breed? Thank you!
  11. BantamAshley

    Help! belgian bearded d'anver Sexing

    i have a 3 week old blue belgian bearded d'anver. Would anyone with experience with this breed be able to tell me what traits I can start to look for in determining the sex? I understand he may be to young right now, but I’d just like to know what I can keep an eye out for, as I have found...
  12. BantamAshley

    Help, is this silkie bearded?

    This is a three week old silkie, and she is the only one with a fluffy chin. Im just wondering if she is bearded? Thank you for your time!
  13. BantamAshley

    Help! Cochin without feathered feet?

    I received this chick from purely poultry, having included a Red frizzle Cochin bantam in my order. The other Cochins that I received were black and grey, and as Cochin-ish as expected. though this red One has some Cochin features, it is very different than any Cochin chick that I have had. It...
  14. BantamAshley

    Help! Modern Game Bantam Sexing.

    Are there any willing members who are familiar with rearing modern games, who may be willing to offer any advice or input? This is a 3 week old blue/black modern game bantam. It’s comb is quite pronounced, with some redness. I’m wondering if it is a roo, or if this comb development is typical in...
  15. BantamAshley

    Help, Easter Egger A Roo or pullet?

    this is a 4 week old Easter Egger Bantam that has been acting like a roo since hatch, but now we are actually thinking that it is a Pullet, as there is no sign of a comb. Are there any experienced EE gurus in the house who could offer some much appreciated input? Thank you!
  16. BantamAshley

    Help, Easter Egger A Roo or pullet?

    this is a 4 week old Easter Egger Bantam that has been acting like a roo since hatch, but now we are actually thinking that it is a Pullet, as there is no sign of a comb. Are there any experienced EE gurus in the house who could offer some much appreciated input? Thank you!
  17. BantamAshley

    Help, Is This Cochin A Rooster?

    Experienced Cochin advice would be very much appreciated. This is Bo-Bo, my 4 week old Blue Cochin Bantam. He is my favorite chick and naturally the first one to start showing all of the tell tail signs of being a roo. :( His feather growth, comb, and personality all seem to point to roo. Is...
  18. BantamAshley

    What on earth color is this silkie?

    I just received an order of chicks, included was one silkie, which was supposed to be grey. I ended up with this little chap, who I think is quite cute, though he doesn’t look like any silkie that I have ever seen. He is mostly white/grey/black, though he has a wee bit of brown as well...
  19. BantamAshley

    Color sexing Buff Orpingtons 1 day old

    I have been finding the bellow quoted information on several sites reguarding color sexing Buff Orpingtons at 1 day old. Are there any experienced Buff owners who can verify if this info is true or false?: Here it is: “Both New Hampshires and Buff Orpingtons produce buff colored chicks. If one...
  20. BantamAshley

    NB Chicks eyes get stuck shut. Normal?

    I hatched 4 chicks 3 days ago, some of which were born with some minimal goop and egg shells on their fur, though were still able to fluff up on their own. The next day, I noticed that 2 of them would periodically have one or both eyelids get stuck shut after snoozing. They usually opened on...
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