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  1. Compost King

    What breed is this?

    I got hatching eggs from Australia and hatched out this.
  2. Compost King

    Bubble Cloner DIY plant propagation

    Using 2 sets of tubs and lids I made this device for propagating plants, I can do this by both seeds and cuttings. The real reason why I am doing this is to increase success rates on my pepper cuttings. One of my pepper plants is a hybrid so cuttings are the best way to propagate a hybrid...
  3. Compost King


    Starting in September I slowly built a small 8x8 greenhouse.
  4. Compost King

    Is this a breed or a mutt/mix?

    This came in a batch of Barred Rocks I got from craigslist. She looked like all the others as a chick, black with a white dot on her head but she was a bit larger (turns out older) now she is the smallest in the barred rock pen. Also the meanest and a total rebel. I wish I could get a...
  5. Compost King

    Male Female?

    a friend of mine was wondering if this was a male or female so I brought it here to ask the experts because I am not certain. 7 Months old, breed unknown likely a mix. looks male around the neck, female everywhere else.
  6. Compost King

    Pin Worms.

    While cleaning out a brooder I found pin worms. I assume this means the chicks (and likely all my chickens) have them. Its even a good indication I may have them although I have no symptoms. I did handle the bedding and manure coming out of the brooder and that increases my chances of...
  7. Compost King

    Are these Raccoon Paw Prints?

    I am guessing Raccoons.
  8. Compost King

    Kittens can raise baby chicks

    Tastes Like Chicken?
  9. Compost King

    Interesting picture to share

    Cornish X meets Seramas, The Seramas are about a month older but they are close to the same age.
  10. Compost King

    Improving my feeders.

    Been having trouble with 2 different types of feeders. My hanging feeders (not pictured) were making it too easy for chickens to waste feed. I know not all hanging feeders have this problem but mine did. I also have these long red feeders (pictured below) where chickens were not able to...
  11. Compost King

    My new hobby

    Its not as hard as I thought it would be.
  12. Compost King

    Rationed fed CX (for breeding) and Free Feed CX just one week from being separated

    Age Just under 6 weeks, separated 6 days ago. The ones separated for breeding are able to climb to the top of a large compost pile in search of food (and their feeder isn't even empty because they had left overs from last night)... The free feed Meat Birds are so fat they sit in the...
  13. Compost King

    I found some crop circles

    The thread title may be misleading but still a mystery involving crops and circles. I was moving plants around in my Tree Nursery and found these strange tunnels in the pots and what ever it was bored right through the pots making a perfect circle. The first one I thought maybe someone had...
  14. Compost King

    When to give up on a broody hen.

    I have a broody hen who has been sitting on eggs for well over 21 days. I estimated the 21 day point to be July 4th. So now its about day 38. Is it time to take her eggs and put her back with the rest of the flock? Should I candle the eggs she is sitting on just in case one or 2 might be...
  15. Compost King

    DIY Challenge: Making a winter brooder powered by compost.

    I have been mentally designing different versions of an emergency brooder for winter if the power goes out. I thought about Solar Panels or a gas generator but I came to the conclusion that extended power outages come with disasters which means an expensive solar set up might have been...
  16. Compost King

    Disassembling a coop while chickens still live in it.

    I was going through pictures taken on the urban homestead and saw this I took yesterday. I am disassembling coops made from scrap material I collect. When you use free stuff to build coops they do not last long and besides I need to put a garden in at that spot for next year. I got a...
  17. Compost King

    Brooder heat Idea

    This actually failed due to the number of chicks I had and the space I was working in. But it has worked with other chicks. This actually worked until there wasn't enough surface space with 2 bottles for all the chicks to cling to it who wanted to cling to it. I added a heat plate over...
  18. Compost King

    Legbar and Wellbar cross breeding

    If I take a Crested Cream Legbar roos and mate him with a female Wellbar will the offspring and further offspring still be auto sexed at hatch? I am also curious if it applies to the reverse too. I am certain it should work out that way but I am also ignorant genetics so I figured I should ask.
  19. Compost King

    Spending all day in the coop then roosting outside.

    I am not really seeking advice here, I know what to do but if someone wants to chime in with advice maybe it helps someone else so its still welcome. I just have 2 bantams RI Reds (male and female) who were raised in a cage with a bunch of other bantams. They are fully feathered but not...
  20. Compost King

    Best Glue for Styrofoam repairs. I broke my incubator.

    When cleaning my Hovabator I broke a small part of the Styrofoam and I was wondering what the absolute best glue to use... I know that Super Glue dissolves styrofoam so definitely not that.
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