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  1. six_chooks_for_now

    What kind of "more severe" injuries have you treated successfully? - graphic photos

    Hey all, Sadly two neighbor dogs got into my flock yesterday. One hen was dead and 16 birds were missing when I arrived home (my neighbor called me and animal control, who came and got the dogs). My husband and I and two sets of neighbors found all but 4 of them by last night - 2 hens and 2...
  2. six_chooks_for_now

    Help choosing flock rooster from batch of roos

    Hello! Sorry this might be long winded -- I need some suggestions and help with deciding how to choose a flock rooster for our hens. We got 17 heritage male chicks in April so we could choose one to keep. After we got our boys, I read that roosters raised with flock mates (rather than raised...
  3. six_chooks_for_now

    8 Week Speckled Sussex Cockerel Reference Photos

    Here are some photos of my 8 week old Speckled Sussex Cockerel to reference what pointed neck feathers look like for anyone interested 😊
  4. six_chooks_for_now

    Building a coop - pictures!

    Just wanted to share some photos of our coop build progress - this will be for our meat chickens. 8x8 floor, 12x24 run, 7’ to 6’ sloped roof, will have a person door, chicken door, and a separate enclosed area both inside and out for young chicks (we plan to buy them in bulk until we can get a...
  5. six_chooks_for_now

    Late maturing cockerels or pullets? Delaware and New Hampshire (I think)

    Hello! I have two chicks I’m not sure if they are pullets or late maturing cockerels... Six weeks old, have less wattle and red than their cockerel friends. The Delaware also is more lightly spotted than having “patches” of black. See pictures 😊 thanks for looking!
  6. six_chooks_for_now

    Light Brahma chicks - all cockerels?

    Hello! We got a batch of mixed breed chicks for meat birds and three that came were Light Brahmas. I’m just curious if they are all male (because I kind of like them) - I’m pretty certain the first two are, but the last one I’m not so sure. They are 5.5 weeks old. Take a look at the photos and...
  7. six_chooks_for_now

    Mixed Heritage Breeds (McMurray Choice)

    Hello! I got a mixed heritage breed order from McMurray - there were 5 different kinds Yellow chicks, feathering out reddish brown (New Hampshire?) ... can be aggressive but otherwise not personable Yellow chicks, feathering out white with some dark specks (Columbia Wyandotte?) ... one of them...
  8. six_chooks_for_now

    First time having (heritage breed) meat chickens - how to handle them?

    Hello! It's our first time having meat chickens (I got 18 mixed heritage breed all male chicks 3 weeks ago from McMurray - I think they are Sussex, Brahma, New Hampshire, Barred Rock, and Columbian Wyondottes) and I'm not really sure how to handle them vs how we handled our egg layers. I don't...
  9. six_chooks_for_now

    Mites or something else?

    Hello! We have 6 adult hens who have started to have dark marks on their combs which I have read can be a sign of mites. I have checked several of them near the vent, on their face, and in their feathers and I can't seem to identify any actual mites/lice, so I am not sure exactly what it is...
  10. six_chooks_for_now

    Colorpack chick ~9 weeks old

    We're now ~9 weeks old. Has gotten a bit poofier and is the flightiest of our three younger chicks. Doesn't have much for a rooster personality but has the biggest comb of the three.
  11. six_chooks_for_now

    I'm a speckled Sussex cockerel, right?

    So we have a 15 week old speckled Sussex cockerel - right? He has the pointy tail, a bit of irradescence, and saddle feathers. But his comb is still fairly small and pink. My Buff Orpington has a redder comb than he does (she may be a week older). Is he just late developing? When will his comb...
  12. six_chooks_for_now

    Color pack chick - 4-5 weeks old

    Olive or Oliver? I've been suspicious about her/him since s/he started to feather, but I understand the Color Pack chickens can be a mix of anything with cream legbar and exhibit random traits. S/he does have the floppy comb and seems to have pullet coloring, but the comb is bigger than our...
  13. six_chooks_for_now

    Color Pack baby chick sex

    So I know it's hard to sex chicks when they are tiny if they aren't sex linked. However, I thought I would see if any of you might have an idea. We got another round of chicks a week and a half ago, and just two days ago our Color Pack chick's (leghorn-X) tail suddenly grew out very long and...
  14. six_chooks_for_now

    Introducing myself and my six chickens...

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are very new to chickens - we got our first batch on April 6, and our second batch on June 8. I never had chickens as a kid, so having birds has been very interesting! (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have 3...
  15. six_chooks_for_now

    What's going on with my wings?

    Hello! This is our second batch of chicks and we have one that holds its wings differently than everyone. The chick itself is about a week old (got last Saturday) is smaller, and has been slower/less perky than the others. Eats and drinks, poops fine. But it's wings look giant/held at a funny...
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