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  • Users: MaeM
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  1. MaeM

    My chicken has a huge, hard ball on her thigh. What would you do?

    Callia is a beautiful, 3-year-old hen who is otherwise super healthy, but... see that thing in her thigh? (I don't know if it's really noticeable in pictures). Well, that's a tumor, according to her vet (who has yet to see her in person). It's not necessarily cancerous, it's just a tumor. A...
  2. MaeM

    What is this button-like thing on my hen's skin?

    I have a feeling that I've seen this before but it was smaller. 🤔
  3. MaeM

    How to get rid of red mites?!

    I recently took my chronically ill hen Bianca to her annual checkup. There, we discovered that she had red mites. As soon as I went back home, I checked the other hens' feathers and yeah, obviously, they all have red mites. The vet prescribed Ivermectin to be applied topically in each hen's...
  4. MaeM

    Hen sits in the nest box but doesn't lay any egg

    So, after an IBV outbreak in my flock, my remaining 3 hens have pretty much stopped laying eggs. They're only 3 years old, so the vet thinks they may have an atrophy in the ovary, as the virus "likes" to attack the reproductive system as well as the respiratory system. And in fact, at least...
  5. MaeM

    What chickens mean to me

    It’s 7 a.m. I wake up to the raging car motors and the rushed steps of people going to work. Living in a busy street, with your bedroom’s window against the sidewalk, you can’t really hear much more at that time of the day. Or at any time of the day. But at 7 a.m., it’s pretty clear what I am...
  6. MaeM

    How to deal with IBV?

    Hello everyone, I have an IBV outbreak in my flock. There are no diagnostic tests available here, but I've had a team of vets at a local vet school study this issue and they've agreed it's most likely IBV, so that's what I'm going to call it. I'm going to tell you how it's affected my flock so...
  7. MaeM


    Today I saw one of my hens walking around with this. Well, it was a bit bigger, but I put some ice on it (with a soft cloth!) and this is the result. I had a prolapsed chicken before but it wasn't that bad. I mean, I tried to put the prolapse back in but it keeps coming out. The hen doesn't...
  8. MaeM

    I am moving to the countryside. Need advice.

    So, I live in a suburban area. Due to a situation of violence with my dad, I had to leave the family house - and my chickens. All I can afford in this area are small apartments but I really don't want to live like that. So I talked to my boyfriend and we decided to move together to a more...
  9. MaeM

    Lethargic, puffed up, no appetite - HELP!

    Hello. As some of you know, I had to leave home. Today I went to visit my chickens and one of them is all puffed up, lethargic, drinks some water but ate just a few treats and only when I hand fed her insistently. Her current caretaker doesn't know what happened. I checked the chicken and...
  10. MaeM


    Help, I don't know if this is an emergency or I'm overreacting. One of my hens was basically choking. I looked into her throat and I saw a piece of food in her trachea. She "sneezed" violently several times and stopped acting like she was choking but the piece of food is still at the...
  11. MaeM

    Something is missing in my flock - Anton's story (sad story)

    I started my flock in late 2020 with only two 7-day-old baby chicks: Mabel (who is now Mabelo) and Oreo. As they grew older and the weather got hotter, I started letting them out. One day, I did a mistake while supervising them and Oreo got stolen. We know that he got stolen because we found a...
  12. MaeM

    My hen is losing weight

    Hello there, I'm a bit worried about one of my hens, Eris. As the title says, she's been losing weight. She was molting and had ascaridia, which may explain why she started losing weight, but she finished molting and I've treated her ascaridia with levimasole and she doesn't seem to gain...
  13. MaeM


    This morning I saw my favorite hen in the nest box. But she wasn't able to lay any egg. She often lays soft shelled eggs and ends up releasing non-solid egg material overnight. But this is the first time that she is this lethargic. She ate only a little, drank some water. I can see her trying...
  14. MaeM

    Meet "Mabelo", the majestic guardian of my flock (and my house!)

    "Mabelo" was originally called Mabel because he was supposed to be female. I got him as a 7-day old chick along with a friend who is no longer with us. (He is the yellow one) Gosh, when he wasn't sleeping, he was chirping the hell out of himself, but I never knew why he was so insistent. He...
  15. MaeM

    I was offered a tortoise. Can he coexist with chickens?

    Hi. My vet offered me a tortoise. I don't know anything about tortoises other than they eat fruits and vegetables. If I decided to keep him, I'd like to have him free-roaming in the same space as the chickens. He'd be a "backyard tortoise". Room is not a problem, but I'm concerned that he may...
  16. MaeM


    My hen's vent is currently looking like this, it closes and opens up like she's having contractions. I can't feel any egg but she uses to lay soft-shelled eggs. She is acting lethargic. I already gave her a warm bath with salts, but what else can I do? Is this a prolapsed vent?
  17. MaeM

    When is a honking sound concerning?

    Hi. I have a hen who started making honking sounds today. But there is no other sign of respiratory distress. She does not open her break to breathe or anything, and she acts normal. It's just that she is making this little honking sound when she walks/runs (that's why I'm not attaching a video...
  18. MaeM

    Bianca, the sweetest hen

    I chose Bianca over 45 baby chicks back in February 2021. There were so many, and they all looked cute, but she promptly showed me that she was special. I put my hand into the run; some chicks came over but went away after they saw I had no food in my hand. However, Bianca stayed. I caressed...
  19. MaeM

    Bedding for chicken with chronic respiratory condition

    Hi all. I have a hen who has an unknown chronic respiratory condition. I've seen 3 vets and no treatment has been able to cure her, but she has improved to the point that she can have an almost normal chicken life. But I have to take special care of her. She had pulmonary edema and, even though...
  20. MaeM

    Changing treatment for chicken with respiratory distress

    Hi. The vet is treating one of my chickens with itraconazole for an alleged aspergillosia. But honestly she was feeling better when I was treating her with doxycycline + enrofloxacin. The thing is, she probably has MG and that combination of antibiotics didn't cure her. But I want to know if...
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