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  • Users: Tinabuglaw
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  1. Tinabuglaw

    Baby gossling with yolk sack

    I think my gossling is doing well, considering. Her show was accidentally cracked open and there was quite a bit of blood immediately following. She looked fully developed, with the exception of the fact that she was still connected to the egg and she had a yolk sack. I wanted to try to save her...
  2. Tinabuglaw

    911, duck snatched by coyote

    911, I saw a coyote snatch my duck. It's a jumbo pekin. I screamed and chased him with my arms waving hoping that he would get scared and drop her. Apparently he did and she's having a hard time breathing and she has a few puncture wounds. I'm thinking there might be one in her lung. Is there...
  3. Tinabuglaw

    Wry neck from injury with predator

    I have a 7 month old white Chinese goose, female. She was in some sort of scuffle with a predator and we lost three ducks. My goose has Wry neck due to the trauma of the conflict. She has a bruise on one of her wings and she's very slow. All of the flock is abandoning her and she's all alone in...
  4. Tinabuglaw

    Tylan 50 injectable for geese?

    So I have a goose with an infection I believe in the eye. I'm treating him with saline eye flushes and terramycin ointment twice a day. I was told maybe to use Thailand 50 as well the injection form 50 mg per milliliter. It says for use in cattle and swine only. Before I give him this orally I...
  5. Tinabuglaw


    Hello everyone! So I bought an electric fence to go around the coop run at night. I planned to electrify it only at night; however, during the daytime, one of my chickens got caught in the netting -- while it was off -- to the point I had to cut one of the squares in the net. Will it still work...
  6. Tinabuglaw

    Statistics on male to female goslings Sebastopol

    Does anybody know what the ratio male to female Sebastopol gosling in a clutch? I don't know if I'm using the right verbiage but I hope you can understand what I'm asking. In other words, if there are five eggs and they all hatch how many female to male? Obviously you can't give an exact number...
  7. Tinabuglaw

    Breeding Sebastopol Male with Chinese White Geese

    I have one Sebastopal Male and 2 White Chines Geese. Is is possible to mate the mix?
  8. Tinabuglaw

    Losing weight not egg bound

    So my hen was squatting with her tail down, away from the others in the run when my husband checked on the flock. She was still that way hours later when I came home. I brought her inside and gave her Epsom salt baths along with calcium gels. After 2 days she seem to be more lively but did not...
  9. Tinabuglaw

    My Rooster Ate a couple Tomato leaves!

    Help! My rooster ate a couple small Tomato leaves from a vine. Do I need to worry?
  10. Tinabuglaw

    Scaly Leg Mites and Big Run

    So my coops are 4x4 and 6x8. The runs surrounding the two coopse are 12x75. We have been struggling on and off with scaly leg mites for a year and a half now! I don't know how to get rid of them! It seems as though as soon as we get control and the legs start to look smooth again, these things...
  11. Tinabuglaw

    Scarlett leg mites - big run

    So my poops are 4x4 and 6x8. The runs surrounding the two coupes is 12x75. We have been struggling on and off with scaly leg mites for a year and a half now! I don't know how to get rid of them! It seems as though as soon as we get control and the legs start to look smooth again, these things...
  12. Tinabuglaw


    So I had 5 laying hens originally (Red Sex-links). I would get 4-5 eggs every day, even through the winter. We added 7 more to the flock (3 red sex-links, 2 black sex-links and 3 white rocks) and there was a lot of fighting going on so we got a rooster who seemed to control all that. He was only...
  13. Tinabuglaw

    Rooster lost his tail feathers

    We took in a rooster a couple months ago and he's very sweet and gentleman like. Problem is, he lets his ladies pluck the feathers off his neck. As a result, he has Red skin showing on his neck. But that's not all! Couple days ago, I noticed that his entire tail is gone, except one feather...
  14. Tinabuglaw

    Sick hen pale

    I'm posting this question for a friend. Hi everyone, Hoping I can get some help. I have a sick hen, she’s very pale, droopy, and has clear diarrhea. No blood that I’ve seen. She somewhat eats around the yard but no interest in fruits, veggies, scratch or their grubbies snacks. She kinda goes...
  15. Tinabuglaw

    HELP! Chicken stuck in glue trap

    We just moved into a house and apparently the people left one of those glue mouse traps underneath something. One of our little chicks, 7 days old, somehow hopped out of her bin and got stuck on it! She seems fine but her feet are stuck --- any suggestions really quick would be helpful thank you!
  16. Tinabuglaw

    Hens Plucking Rooster

    I saw a short post addressing this issue, I guess I just want more detail. So I got my first rooster who, when introduced to my 12 hens, seemed to be quite the gentleman. I was able to integrate the entire flock instead of segregating the old from the new. One thing I noticed is that the hens...
  17. Tinabuglaw

    Rumbling when she breathes in and out

    I have a hen who seems to have marbles in her airways as she breathes in and out. I think she's congested. Any suggestions on what I can do for her?
  18. Tinabuglaw

    Very Red But and To Of Trail

    So I just purchased a few birds, seven to be exact. Five of them have pretty bad scaly leg mites. One of them has a lot of missing feathers on its tail and it's very red and scabby. I have pictures here. The butt is also very swollen and Baron of any feathers. Very very red. Does anybody know...
  19. Tinabuglaw

    How much water per day syringe

    Feeding my hen, not active or laying eggs. She's sick and isn't eating or drinking on her own. I'm using a syringe. How much water (in ml) should I give her a day if I'm using a 5ml syringe?
  20. Tinabuglaw

    Ivermectin paste fire chicken with worms

    I have a chicken and I think she has worms. Her poop is light yellow. She has not eaten or drank on her own in several days. I'm feeding her through a syringe. I'm giving her yogurt and ACV. DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TOO DOSE THE PASTE? THAT'S ALL I HAVE.
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