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  • Users: Naisha
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  1. Naisha

    New duck owner!!

    Yayyy! So, after some time having chickens, now I also own ducks!! 1 male mallard , 2 female mallards and 1 female Muscovy. I have so many questions, and all the threads I'm reading are being so useful! We got one of those preformed ponds for them, but the soil is so ffffckin compact that it's...
  2. Naisha

    Weird egg with a hole?

    Hello! I have this old chicken that sometimes lays eggs like this. There's a hole and I don't know if she pecked on it or it's something that happens to some chickens. And also, around the hole there's deformed shell, if you touch it, it's hard. The hole isn't all the way to the middle, there's...
  3. Naisha

    Broken beak? The upper hard layer is not attached

    Hello. Today I’ve found one of my chickens has injured her beak and I took a picture. I have no idea what I should do or if it will heal on its own. Thank you guys.
  4. Naisha

    Would roll-away nest boxes prevent broodiness?

    Hi! I’ve bought theee roll-away laying boxes because there’s one hen that pecks on eggs when I’m late taking the eggs and she got bored. My question is, if the eggs roll away when they lay them, would that prevent hens from being broody? Also those nests don’t use hay so they don’t look so...
  5. Naisha

    Broody breaker setup

    Hi! So, one of my cochin bantams is broody and I want to break it. We don’t have a rooster so no need. I’ve used a cage and a small air cooler. I think it’s fine but I wanted to see what you guys think. She’s on the house porch right now because I have electricity here so I can use the air...
  6. Naisha

    Whining before “going to bed”

    Hi! This is the first time I hear them being sooo chatty before sleep. It was 9 pm and they were already roosting. I heard them and went to see if something was wrong, but I don’t know what was going on. Is it normal?
  7. Naisha

    Open beak, weird noise

    What is wrong with her? This is the same hen that looked like egg bound but then she got better and was as active as always (so, no egg bound). Today I see her like this and it looks nothing like when she wasn’t ok before. She can walk, she went to the coop to roost. Thanks in advance:)
  8. Naisha

    What are these chickens doing?

    I’ve seen these chickens “kissing”, what are they doing? What does it mean? I had never seen that before.
  9. Naisha

    Introducing one pullet to the flock

    Hi! I have been given 1 pullet today, a Sussex. I don’t know her age but she’s not too small. I already have 2 big girls and 4 bantams. Right now the Sussex is at the run next to the existing flock run. The first contact has been intense! The big girls seemed curious but didn’t want to get...
  10. Naisha

    Egg bound symptoms, can’t feel any egg

    Hello! So, my barred rock girl has all the symptoms of being egg bound. Pulsating vent, droopy wings, she seems to be trying all the time. She’s one of those hens that doesn’t like to be touched and I could examine her without much problem, so she can’t move well. I touched around the vent...
  11. Naisha

    My hen looks sick, can’t walk well

    My chicken Lorraine looks sick, I found her laying on the ground and she didn’t come to eat. She can’t walk, only stand but it looks like her balance is off. Sometimes she closes her eyes, others opens her beak a bit. Has any of you seen anything similar? After trying to balance she sat down
  12. Naisha

    Chickens after a week of antibiotics

    Hi! So, my girls had their eyes half closed and were always inside their little house (provisional coop) all the time, sleepy. They told me it was very possible that they had coryza, so I gave them antibiotics for a week. They’re 4, and 3 of them are completely ok now. The other is still inside...
  13. Naisha

    Chickens don’t go outside

    So.. after having my new chickens for about a week and after 4 days of antibiotics (coryza), I see 3 of them look healthy and the one that was weaker is still weak. I guess that’s a matter of time. But what I wanted to ask is if it’s normal that they don’t want to go outside their mini coop...
  14. Naisha

    oxytetracycline dosage (metric system)

    Hello! I have to give Oxytetracycline to my 4 cochin bantams for Coryza and I’m a bit lost with the dosage. Let’s see if you can help me understand. Each of my chickens weighs around 400g, they’re small. So in total they’re around 2kg. The box says “400mg of product per kg of animal per day”...
  15. Naisha

    Sick chickens are also dumb

    Hi! So, the other day I bought 4 cochin bantam and it turns out they’re not well. One user already saw it (ach and I can’t find the thread now) but I had already got them. The guy from the shop said it look like coryza or similar, they caught a cold, he said. So I’m waiting for the antibiotics...
  16. Naisha

    New chickens are shy

    Hi! So, yesterday I got 4 Cochin bantam pullets and they were so scared yesterday when we got them that we put them in their coop and saw how they all got together on a nest and stayed there like a fluffy ball. They have water and food and a lot of space. Today I went to see them and I see...
  17. Naisha

    Male or female?

    I’m about to buy these but I don’t know if they’re males or females. Can you tell?
  18. Naisha

    Telling silkies apart

    Hello! I’d like to get a couple of silkies and I have a hard time to see if they’re male or female. Is it a difficult breed to know for sure or is it just me? Because I’d like to have 2 females without doubt, so when I order them I wouldn’t want the seller to make a mistake. Is it safer if I ask...
  19. Naisha

    Egg with weird shape

    Hi guys! One of my hens is laying eggs with weird shape, it’s not the first time, and some days ago the shell was a bit too thin, so I added more calcium and now it’s hard again. The upper part that has this weird shape has thicker shell. Is there something I should do or you recommend? I took a...
  20. Naisha

    What breed or mix is this girl?

    Hi! This is Lorraine, she’s the smallest chicken I have, I don’t know her age though, but I don’t think she’ll grow bigger as I haven’t seen any changes during these 2 months (the time I started owning chickens). First picture is her alone, and then next to the others.
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