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  1. barkingdoginn

    Bumblefoot all over feet?

    A few weeks ago I noticed my roosters toes (one toe per foot) looked a bit swollen and he had scabs all over on the bottom which looked like bumblefoot. So I brought him in and gave Epson salt soak but after soaking the scabs looked like they were just on the very surface of the skin / nothing...
  2. barkingdoginn

    Rooster with bumblefoot not standing up

    My rooster is almost 2, on Wednesday I went to tuck them in and he was in the nest box laying on his side. He seemed like he wasn’t able to use his legs well and was pretty wobbly on them so I brought him inside. Later on that night we see hard black spots on the bottom of both his feet, one...
  3. barkingdoginn

    Water belly or normal hen belly?

    We have a hen that was very obviously in discomfort from water belly- very large swollen belly which we were able to drain out a ton of clear yellow fluid. I am now not sure if other hens also have water belly to a lesser extent or I’m just paranoid!! I am wondering what should a regular hen...
  4. barkingdoginn

    Hen losing chin/neck feathers

    Hello, I have a 9 month old hen and over the last 1.5-2 weeks I noticed the feathers on her chin/throat area are gone, like a complete bald patch. Every night it looks like new feathers are about to grow out from the skin and then a day later they are broken off again. One day she had a little...
  5. barkingdoginn

    Rooster wattle / comb keep changing colour

    We have a 10 month old rooster and just last night we noticed all the skin on his face a dark purple colour. Went to grab something inside and by the time I went back out to the chickens it was pretty much turning back to red before my eyes. Next morning it looked more purple again. He has...
  6. barkingdoginn

    New member Intro

    Hello! First time chicken owner as of may 2021. We have ten “columbian rock/cross” chickens - 9 hens and one lovely guy. Fave part about chickens is that they are insanely fun to watch I can spend hours hanging out with them. This board has so much great info and any question I googled has led...
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