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  1. F

    Indian Runner Off Legs??!

    Hello! Just needing some advice for one of my female indian runners. I have 6 in total, 2 drakes and 4 ducks. With a lot of rain in the UK, they have been loving it but I think its taking a tole on them (yes they have plenty of access to shelter) One of my brown girls has been a bit off her...
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    What caused the death?

    Hey guys I sadly just lost one of my flock, she just passed away and was so horrible to witness. Im not sure what may have caused this but heres the history. Winnie was an ex commercial hen and was 2 and a half years old, we have had her for just over 1 year. She was the tinneist of the flock...
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    Indian Runner on Nest 😬

    Hey guys I have found out today that my chocolate Indian runner is currently sat on a nest... I have recently given birth and my parter has been tending to my poulty for the past few weeks and has only just told me that shes on a nest of eggs. He said he thought this was normal for her as he...
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    Hen Keeps Getting Sour Crop

    Hey guys One of my hens (Audrey) keeps getting sour crop, shes had it on and off for a couple of months now. She could go days with a normal crop and eating and drinking well, and other days her crop feels like a water balloon and she vomits some fluid up. I dont have access to an avian vet as...
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    Egg Stuck in Prolapsed Vent

    Hey, I have a 2 year old ex battery hen who is having some trouble at the moment. Yesterday I noticed a slight prolapse and some blood around her vent (also dripping white urates) this is the same thing that happened to another of my hens a year ago. I cleaned her vent yesterday and applied some...
  6. F

    Duck noise help

    Hey guys I have 6 Indian Runner Ducks, 2 boys and 4 girls. I am really struggling with the noise of the girls. Ive had the ducks since last August and have been absolutely fine! I understand ducks quack and make noise, my chickens can be noisy too! But this is ridiculous. They have been fine...
  7. F

    Automatic Duck Door

    Hey guys! Are there any recommendations for an automatic duck door? I live in the UK and have 6 Indian Runners. Im 5 weeks away from giving birth and its becoming very hard to bend down for the ducks coop. I have chickens and they have the Omlet automatic door but it looks way too small for my...
  8. F

    Sick Hen but no idea of the problem 😞

    Hey guys! I have a 2 year old Ex Battery Hen called Mabel. Yesterday morning I noticed she was a bit lethargic but was still moving around, I know some of my hens have the odd lazy day so I just kept an eye on her. She was sat in the next box for a lot of the time and when I tried to remove her...
  9. F

    Vomiting due to Duck Eggs!?

    Hey guys! I have 6 indian runners and we are getting beautiful blue eggs. Me and my partner don't actually eat eggs so we give away to friends and family 😊 We have away a dozen duck eggs to a friend, who had them for breakfast this morning with his family, he said he scrambled 7 of them for 3...
  10. F

    How cold is too cold?

    Hey guys! I live in the UK and have been experiencing cold weather the past few days. Last night was -6 Celsius which I havent seen for a long time. Its currently snowing and supposed to be between -6 and -7 tomorrow night. I have 5 ex battery hens and 6 ducks (live separately). I am not worried...
  11. F

    Chicken very wobbly, ?cold

    Hey guys! This morning when letting my chickens out, 1 of my girls was quite wobbly. Never seen her do this before, there is also some poo (not messy or diarhoea) on her back feathers, not near her vent though. She doesnt perch at night and only sleeps on the floor. She seems well in herself...
  12. F

    Wet Feather

    Hello! I have a 25 week old Indian runner Duck in my flock who looks like she experiencing wet feather? I notice water running off all the other ducks but she seems soaked all the time. I had a good look over her and see that her undercoat/down is still dry. I had a look at her preening gland...
  13. F

    Enrichment for Ducks

    Hey! Ive got 6 Indian Runner Ducks that all live together. I like in the UK and are unfortunately in a hotspot of avian flu, so the ducks have been locked away to their pen (before they would free range through the garden). Their pen has their coop, food&water and a large paddling pool that they...
  14. F

    Chicken ontop of chicken??

    Hey guys! We came home a little later than planned last night and found the chickens locked out of their coop 🙃 they are in a secured run so were safe anyway but on the odd occasion the omlet door shuts before some of them get in. Thankfully looking at how dark it was, they were probably only...
  15. F

    Lonely Chicken

    Hello, I put a post up a while ago about my hen (babs) who suffered a prolapse and result in that she was given the implant to stop laying, she fell into a moult and was severely bullied by the other hens. Due to the bullying we had to seperate her completely. Babs has now been living solo for...
  16. F

    Ducks shivering in pond?

    Hello! Has anyone experienced their ducks sitting in their pond for so long that they all start shivering?? I live in the UK and the wether is starting to drop but still around 15 degrees Celsius. Their pond is quite cold but they sit in it for so long, ive had to pull them out before because...
  17. F

    Struggling with the mess 😭

    Hello! I have 6 Indian Runners and I cant believe the mess. Ive had them for about 3 months now but the mess from them is much more than I expected. Dont get me wrong I was 100% expecting mess, wetness from the pool and some level of smell but I am struggling with what I can do to help. I am...
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    Desperate for some help 🙁

    Hello, I put a post here yesterday about chicken bullying but the situation has gotten much worse. I have a flock of 5 after the death of a hen 2 months ago. 1 of my hens suffered a prolapse that was attacked by the other girls, she was seperated for a week to heal. After she healed we got her...
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    Chicken being bullied

    Hello! I have 5 hens after loosing 1 about 2 months ago. My poor Babs is being bullied by 2 other hens and I am unsure what to do. About 2 months ago babs suffered a prolapse that was attacked by the others, 1 month later it had fully healed and we got her the implant to stop egg laying. This...
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    Age and Layers Feed

    Hello! I have some females and males and have a question regarding feed. Got 6 females about a month ago for my 2 drakes and all is well 😊 however the females that all came from the same breeder are different in ages by a few weeks, the 3 blacks are 17 weeks old near 18 weeks and the 3...
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