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  1. Cassandragrenr

    Getting pigeons

    Hello! I'm getting 6-8 pigeons soon, and of course, I have a bunch of questions (I'm doing research, though I think byc is the best way to get proper and good research!) These pigeons will be allowed to free fly, racing pigeons. Though, what should a pigeon enclosure/coop look like? I want to...
  2. Cassandragrenr

    Easy & Cheap Chicken + Duck coops

    Some family members of mine are getting chickens, though they're very unsue about what type of chicken coop they want, So please give me your ideas for a cheap and easy coop to build or buy!
  3. Cassandragrenr

    Do emus and horses go well together?

    I have huge fenced in areas that would be perfect for our future emus, though the horses are usually there. Would they go well together?? + Would they be able to be fenced in with electric fencing, it's about as tall as me ((5'6))
  4. Cassandragrenr

    Sheep just gave birth

    Our sheep give birth february-march, but we just had one give birth yester day. Is this normal??
  5. Cassandragrenr

    Do swans go along with other waterfowl?

    I want to get swans, but would they get along with my ducks and geese?
  6. Cassandragrenr

    Can peafowl free range with other poultry birds?

    They'll have their own enclosure to sleep in during the night, but I want to have them to have access to free ranging with my other birds! Would that be okay?
  7. Cassandragrenr

    Training pigeons

    I've seen people train pigeons, like free flight training, recall training etc. I want to get pigeons but I have absolutely no idea on how to train them! I want to be able to have them free range with my other poultry, so free flight training. So what are the basics to training pigeons? What's...
  8. Cassandragrenr

    Ducks have turned against me!

    This is just a story, not a question or anything :) Now since my older muscovy drakes got to meet our younger ones, they've been extremly protective of them! They've started attacking me which they've never done before. It's cute but annoying!! I've never seen this before haha
  9. Cassandragrenr

    Should i or should i not clip muscovies wing?

    Soo the plan was to clip their wings, but they're pretty used to our home now. They don't go past the pond (they're not able to fly yet) There's no neighbours who have fenced backyards or any dogs that would attack them. They don't leave their group, which is a bunch of flightless ducks. So...
  10. Cassandragrenr

    Duck is shaking!??

    My muscovy drake (3 years) keeps shaking? He just got introduced to his future girls, then when He got separated from them (they sleep in different coops, and the girls are to young for them). This might not have anything to do with it but I'm just trying to come up with whatever it could be...
  11. Cassandragrenr

    What to put in the duck coop??

    Hello!! So I'm getting some ducks, and they have to be in their coop for a while, they don't have a run and we'll let them be outside, but only when supervised so they can go swimming in our pond (It's a quarantine coop). What should I put in their coop?? The ducks are Cayugas in one coop and...
  12. Cassandragrenr

    New ducks!!

    I've said this so many times, but, I'm picking up my Cayuga ducks tomorrow! I have an extra coop where they can be but it's occupied by my new muscovies (2 months old). The Cayuga ducks are fully mature, but obviously, the Muscovies aren't. I'm worried that the drake might try to mate with the...
  13. Cassandragrenr

    Do cayuga ducks roost?

    I saw a website saying they do, but I haven't seen any other proof otherwise, so please inform me!
  14. Cassandragrenr

    Mating on land!!

    So my muscovy drakes avoid water as much as they possibly can, they hate our pond, they hate the kiddie pool, they hate water. BUT we've gotten females for them, but since the drakes never go in water I'm scared they might mate on land!! Does it harm the girls? I'm afraid they might 'over mate'...
  15. Cassandragrenr

    Please send your feed!!

    I have no idea what feed to use, so please send me links of the ones you buy!! I have chickens, ducks and geese :D
  16. Cassandragrenr

    When should I add my new ducks into the duck flock?

    So I just got 2 ducks and will be getting 4 more this Wednesday. 2 Muscovies (2 months old), and 4 Cayuga ducks (almost 4 months). My other ducks are 2 Indian runner drakes, I have no idea how old they are, but definitely over three years old. And 2 muscovy drakes who are 3 years old. When's...
  17. Cassandragrenr


    My sweet babies, Jessie and James!! We're getting them a kiddie pool soon :) and this coop is only temporary. We're also getting 4 Cayuga ducks this Wednesday!! 2 girls, and one drake. So please give name suggestions!
  18. Cassandragrenr

    Why can't my muscovies fly?

    I have 2 Muscovy drakes, they're about 3 years old. When I first got them the seller had clipped them, but they've never been clipped again after this. Though they can't fly? What could be the problem? We also recently got 2 more muscovies, who will be able to fly soon enough! Maybe they'll...
  19. Cassandragrenr


    . BYC needs to make deleting threads an option...
  20. Cassandragrenr

    New muscovies

    Today I got 2 muscovies! One male and one female. They're 2 months old!! How do I get them used to me and not be so skittish around me? I understand that they'll be like this for the first couple of days but I want to know methods on how to get them calmer around me and other people! I'm so in...
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