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  1. ChickyMudder

    Split wing?

    Hello, I think this is split wing but can’t be sure. Wanted to get feedback from the group. 6 day old black copper marans.
  2. ChickyMudder

    Need help trouble shooting pullet weight loss

    I have 10 week old Black Copper Marens. They went outside a few weeks ago and began losing weight. I switched their feed to game bird food and still no weight gain. Crops seem fine. It’s been hot. They seem to eat well enough. Fresh water. Not sure what to do. Haven’t seen bloody stool yet...
  3. ChickyMudder

    Feather foot and limping

    Any advice on how to manage this girls sore feathers? She has been limping for a week. Can I pull the big thick one? Trying and Epsom salt bath until we hear back from you all.
  4. ChickyMudder

    Failing at this turkey thing???

    Am I failing at turkeys? I have raised chickens for decades. I did my research. I prepped the brooder. I tested the ceramic heat source to a temp of 95 degrees. I gave the poults room temp electrolyte water. I used a high contrast surface to introduce food. I gave them 30% protein crumbles. I...
  5. ChickyMudder

    Splay leg 3 weeks old??? Or Injury

    I just got home from a trip and my three week old BCM is limping with splay leg. His joint is huge! Can they get spy leg after two weeks old or is this an injury? Is he too old to fix this with a splint? He gets around ok. Should I just let him grow out?
  6. ChickyMudder

    Novogen thread

    Hello, I hatched 10 Novogen from Jenks hatchery (Oregon). The pullets are soft red/yellow and the roos are light yellow. I separated the roos because they created chaos in the brooder. Wondering what you all think of your novogen? Im not sure Im a fan. I hear they are great layers but they...
  7. ChickyMudder

    What are these chicks?

    5 Free Egg Layer pullet bundle with a bag of feed: Coastal Farm March 2023, Supplied by Hoovers Hatchery who said they use Amber-links, Delaware, Leghorns for the egg layer variety. They feather fast, chirp constantly, and eat lots. Anyone know the type or breed? thank you for your help.
  8. ChickyMudder

    What breed is she?

    Hello, I adopted five chickens from a man moving out of the country. I was wondering if anyone knows what kind this one is? She lays small white eggs (I think).
  9. ChickyMudder

    What is going on with this girl? Successfully treated slip tendon! But she stll hasn't eaten, 48 hours old and TINY

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Backyard flock. Took my favorite personality with the best layers. Im rethinking this strategy as my first hatch has been a learning process. She could be BO and RIR or BO and BO, possibly...
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