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  1. Chicken6000

    What breed is my rooster?

    We recently had to kill our rooster due to conflict in our flock, it was basiclly the only way to stop the stress, and before you get mad or disagree, In our area there is absolutely no market for chickens or roosters. Nobody would have taken him. We just want to find the breed of our rooster.
  2. Chicken6000

    Rooster acting weird towards hen?

    So lately all of the hens were broody, I know crazy... They all broke from their broody phase after not hatching any eggs (we used fakes since they were all broody, after they all left their nesting boxes we noticed that the rooster was a little overwhelmed with all the hens back and active, I'm...
  3. Chicken6000

    Hen hatched an egg today

    Our hen hatched a little chick today, first of all let’s all say congrats!!!:wee Since both her and I are new to taking care and maintaining the new flock member, i need some help. She’s currently in a nesting box with the little chick under her, she’s next to another nesting box occupied with...
  4. Chicken6000

    Strange activity with our hen!!

    We currently have 4 hens, 1 is a normal egg layer, another is still a bit young so she doesn’t lay often. Our other 2 are diffrent, 1 is just laying on the eggs all day and doesn’t get out, my guess is that she is broody but doesn’t know when to come out to eat and stuff, i still feed her though...
  5. Chicken6000

    Recent activity with out hen

    Our hen is roughly 8 months old, she's laid eggs in the past but about 2 days ago she's been staying in a nesting box constantly, even at night, she makes a little growl when a chicken or human is near her, she makes her body larger and warm under her. She's been like this for 2 days, obviously...
  6. Chicken6000

    Rooster behavioral change?

    1 Rooster (11 Months) (Has Mated Before) 1 Hen (11 Months) (Has Laid Before) 3 Pullets (4-6 Months) (Haven't Laid) I'm fairly new to raising chickens and I noticed some strange behavior from our rooster, recently its been real cold since were goin into Winter (Irving, TX), it rained the other...
  7. Chicken6000

    Hens attitude towards the eggs

    We have had a hen laying eggs for the past 5 days, recently we took the eggs out and she was freaking out once she realized the nesting box was empty, Is this normal behavior? She was stressing out over that Is there any way to stop this? I don't want her to continue laying eggs while stressing...
  8. Chicken6000

    Explain "Overbreeding" To Me

    My rooster and hen have been mating recently, I wouldn't say Its a lot and I wouldn't say its too little, I know for a fact that they mate like bunnies! She ended up laying her first egg today! I just want to know If overbreeding Is a possibility in my flock! He Is gentle as can be, no extra...
  9. Chicken6000

    Hen Laid Her First Egg!!

    Proud of her, I do have a few questions and concerns! 1. Any way to know If the egg Is fertile or not? 2. How will she act towards the egg? (Will she continue laying?) (Does she just lay an egg and then wait until another egg?) That's all folks! Thanks for the help! Glad to be apart of this...
  10. Chicken6000

    Rooster & Hen Mated

    Hen Breed: Black Australorp Age: 23 weeks Rooster Breed: N/A Age: 23 weeks They both mated today (I know this because I've looked and done research especially since they are both hitting maturity) I have a few questions about this however 1. Is there any way to make her attracted to a nesting...
  11. Chicken6000

    Rooster Behavior

    Rooster Age: 23 weeks Rooster Breed: N/A My rooster has been acting a bit like a police officer lately, I'm sure It is him maturing and turning into a rooster that takes charge and protects the flock/himself. I am a little concerned with him because he is pecking me, he has never pecked me but...
  12. Chicken6000

    Hen/Rooster Maturity Help!

    Hen Breed: Black Australorp Age: 23 weeks Rooster Breed: N/A Age: 23 weeks What I have noticed: My rooster and hen are perfectly fine and are doing well, they are healthy and fit. I did research and looked at forums/videos about their age, egg laying, and behavior. I noticed that my hen has had...
  13. Chicken6000

    Hen Squeaking?

    Recently my Bantam has been sounding like a duck, or a squeaky toy, She has been acting a bit weird lately, not sure If it my mind. She has been a bit less active, she doesn't run much when I bring treats, she doesn't eat a whole lot when she's near the food stations, she has been good on water...
  14. Chicken6000

    Assistance needed on how and when to Introduce new hens to a flock.

    I currently own 1 Rooster (Breed N/A), & 1 Hen (Black Japanese Bantam) They are around 3-4 Months old. Me and my family are looking into introducing and adding more hens to the little group! Currently, we are only able to add 5 new hens. Now here are my questions, How should I introduce them...
  15. Chicken6000

    2 Roosters, A fight, & An owner needing help!

    I own 2 Roosters & 1 Hen, Today I was checking up on them and I noticed, 1 Rooster had some scratches and bleeding (injuries) on his crown and around his eye, the other, had very few scratches, almost nothing at all. Me and my mother took care of each of them and washed them up, disinfected them...
  16. Chicken6000

    1 Month Old Chickens, and I Own 3! Recommendations please! Read Description

    3 Chicks, 1 black, 1 white, and one Is bronze! Starting to think of coops and open areas for them during the day, we currently have small area for them, were set on food, water, food and dispensers. I'm just wondering what kind of coop to get, how big and what requirements. Questions 1. Are...
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