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  1. M

    two orpingtons with curled outer toes

    Hello! I have a flock of 15 grow outs right now, only 2 of which are jubilee orpingtons! They are all healthy happy and full of spunk, no sickness or illness or ailments whatsoever in any of them at any point! The two jubilees are the only two chicks of the 15 who’s outer toes are curled...
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    gender help

    This is just a mixed breed!! Was told he/she was possibly orpington crossed with ameraucana! Between 3-4 months old, looks like a pullet to me, i don’t see any obvious rooster saddle feathers or any other roo characteristics for that matter but would love to be sure! I don’t really have an eye...
  3. M

    HELP ID breed from tsc!

    Hi friends! I purchased this chick from tractor supply who was labeled white leghorn, but as her wing feathers have come in there’s like grey/black spots on it so i’m curious what breed she could be? Through some brief searching I discovered the California White breed however she doesn’t look...
  4. M

    do I have 1 cockerel and 2 pullets?

    I THINK the one in the middle with the copper coloring around the neck/hackles is a cockerel, and the other two are pullets, but can somebody with a better eye for these things confirm for me as best they can? The help is very much appreciated!
  5. M

    hatching marans egg questions

    hello! I placed BCM eggs in my incubator about 22 days ago. All the videos and forums i read said to dry hatch so i did! humidity has consistently berdon between 35-45 the whole time. I cant see vessels or embryos because of how dark the egg is, but i’ve been outlining the air cell and it...
  6. M

    what possible breed mix?

    Hello! I’ve got an OEGB rooster and some japanese white black tailed bantams that we’ve hatched babies from for two years now. this time around one of the babies has some feathers on her feet! since the day she hatched she’s had them and she’s going on 3 weeks old and still has them. I’ve...
  7. M

    how to get rid of otters in my pond

    Hello! This question is not necessarily about poultry but didn’t know where else to find my answer! We have river otters. always have! one year we let the ducks we had at the time free range and in one day the otters tore 5/8 of our ducks to shreds :( didn’t even eat them or anything, just...
  8. M

    hatching rates for OEGB/Japanese bantam?

    Hello! Was wondering if anybody has experience hatching OEGB or Japanese bantams? if so, what are your hatching rates like? I’ve let different broodies hatch out OEGB/Japanese bantam cross eggs 3 times now, and the hatching rates are low. first year only 2/6 hatched 2nd batch only 3/10 hatched...
  9. M

    droopy eyelid with bubbles

    PLEASE HELP! I have 3 chicks that have developed some droopy eyes and water bubbles in the eyes. Upon some research, Mycoplasma kept coming up which was a huge concern for me but upon seeing other threads and searching up all the possible symptoms, not a single one of them has anything besides...
  10. M

    Need advice on what to do with broody that hatched chicks!

    Hello! for some background info, I’ve got a sapphire gem hen that went broody and i gave 10 OEGB/Japanese white bantam eggs for her to sit on. They started hatching 48 hours ago on the dot, and of the 10 eggs only 4 hatched. I moved her off the nest this morning so I could check the remaining...
  11. M

    another hen took over our broody’s nest!

    So I posted a forum a little over a week ago about my buff orpington being broody and me giving her 10 fertilized tiny OEGB eggs. They were growing and developing super well, she’s an extremely broody hen who goes broody like twice a year and is impossible to break so i figured why not well she...
  12. M

    Breed ID help?

    I have this mini rooster and 2 mini hens. they were gifted to us together and I’ve always just assumed they were Seramas, but once I started trying to research tiny chicken breeds I questioned the breed and now have no idea what they are! they don’t seem to stand as straight up as all the...
  13. M

    Hatching Serama eggs with broody hen

    I have an extremely broody buff orpington who I gave 10 fertile serama eggs to. she’s been sitting on them for around 12 days now, and I candled all 10 yesterday and every single one has growth and lots of movement! I’ve heard Serama’s are notorious for having low hatching rates, and that...
  14. M

    Breed ID help?!

    I have this dark grey hen that was gifted to us. we’ve had her for a while but i realized i never discovered her breed. I always just assumed she was some sort of dark grey orpington, but i recently discovered grey Jersey Giants and she looks identical so now i’m not so sure! I will say she is...
  15. M

    Pullet or Roo?

    I know I know, still way too young to tell for sure. but if you were to take a calculated guess, what would you say? some people just have an eye for rooster characteristics and I do not so figured i’d see if anybody had any ideas! background: He/she is a buff brahma, I think around 4 weeks...
  16. M

    PLS HELP!! hard lump below chicks vent

    Hello! I have 2 silkies that are around 2 weeks old, and they have this hard lump right below their vent- I’ll include photos! I have 10 silkie chicks and the only two experiencing this lump came from the same place whereas the rest were from a feed store they’re acting totally normal...
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