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  • Users: FalseToast
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  1. FalseToast

    The Toaster — Coop Blog

    I don’t post here as much as I want to, but I figured to start a post that I update whenever I remember it exists. For now, I definitely want to show off my silkies! Given all—except one—are white, I’ve named them… more generically. The tall boy is Cloud! He’s a little shy and has no idea...
  2. FalseToast

    Wry Neck Issues

    I had one chicken with wry neck, and now I have two. I’m not sure what’s going on or what could be going on. I’ve been giving the first chicken sunflower and pumpkin seeds to up her Vit. E intake and it seems to help. She’s been improving slowly, but not at a pace I’m content with. Both chickens...
  3. FalseToast

    Vets in Southern Ontario?

    I live in the very southern parts of Ontario, south of London—in Chatham-Kent. I need a veterinarian, but can’t find any clinics that take in poultry! I cannot go to Windsor, and there’s a slim chance that I can head as far as London. Does anyone know of any vets that see poultry in the...
  4. FalseToast

    2m/o silkie shaking head/wobbly?

    Not sure what’s going on! Definitely urgent as she’s not eating! It’s so sad, because she’s preening herself and yet her head is being thrown around like a rag doll. I will say she does have lice unfortunately, but I’m so unsure what’s going on? She’s moving or trying to and stuff she just won’t...
  5. FalseToast

    Turkey News

    Not much of a question post, but a celebration for me! I’ve never raised turkeys before, nor other poultry aside from chickens fully. So I’m extremely excited about today! I went out to check on my two lovely ladies and found these on the ground! They’ve successfully made it to being ~7...
  6. FalseToast

    Turkey Crouch Meaning?

    I think I already know what it means, I’d just like confirmation. She thinks I’m a tom, doesn’t she? AKA this is mating behaviour? If that’s the case, this makes two birds who want me. Neither of which being the same gender. I am both a tom and a hen now.
  7. FalseToast

    Hen Randomly Chasing Own Chicks

    Not sure if this is the place to put this, but oh well. Strange thing happened today. It’s nice out so I let my hen and her chicks outside for a bit. Rooster came over, which is normal, but then she started attacking and chasing her chicks? It was so sudden! She grabbed one by the tail and held...
  8. FalseToast

    Feeding Suggestions

    Howdy! My two hens are 4 months old now and I just finished their bag of grower. I’m assuming they should be on it for 6 months, but I’m not certain so I figured to ask! Otherwise, I was planning on switching them to some all poultry pellets or an all poultry-type feed anyways. That is the...
  9. FalseToast

    Herb List?

    Anyone have a list of herbs I could add to their feed, including the benefits? Preferably any store-bought seasonings I could use, or fresh! Just want to pre-season them! 😌
  10. FalseToast

    Tom Turkey Vomiting?

    Recently got a pair of younger turkeys, my best guess is 2-3 months old. Anyways, everyone seems good! Eating and drinking well! Only problem is that the tom occasionally keeps throwing up liquid. I don’t understand why, and apart from being a little slow-moving he eats and drinks perfectly...
  11. FalseToast

    Chick Starter: Still Good or Bad?

    I bought a 50lbs bag of chick starter about 6 months ago for six little chicks—50lbs was the smallest option, next up was 2 TONS! I still have the bag as I occasionally toss a handful or two out for my two chickens and the birds, given I have no idea what to do with it! That being said, it...
  12. FalseToast

    Bad news?

    Unfortunately, I made the mistake of being late by 30 minutes to put the geese away. During this time the geese have somehow— vanished. Usually they’d run back to the pen themselves or sit on the porch until someone comes out as part of their routine. Last night, at 10PM, I went out and they...
  13. FalseToast


    Just posting ‘em ‘cause they’re getting so big! Missing them being small but at least they’re still cuddly! They’re so funny too! So clumsy on their big ol’ feet. Chickens seem so steady but these guys seem to behave like newborn foals. One scared me the other day; when they were running, he...
  14. FalseToast

    Possible Angel Wing?

    Wow, me posting so soon and with a disappointing update. I’m concerned my goslings are getting angel wing and I suspect it’d be caused by their diet—high protein. I’m removing food from night time for now and just going to allow them to graze during the day, just to prevent anything further...
  15. FalseToast

    (7) Chinese Geese Questions

    I have a few questions this time! No specific theme other than geese, just mainly curiosities and mild concerns! I’ll bold the more important questions in case someone would prefer just answer those. 1. Eldest goslings are 6 weeks old and growing feathers rapidly! Are they like chickens where...
  16. FalseToast

    Peafowl for Sale — Southern Ontario

    Hey! After searching just about everywhere, I can’t seem to find any peafowl for sale: Windsor to Hamilton being the distance. Price isn’t an issue whatsoever, just trying to find at LEAST a breeding pair or a peacock and peahen in general. Colour is preferred to be the typical India blue; white...
  17. FalseToast

    Banding Size

    What leg band size would I need for Brown Chinese Geese? I was thinking swan bands, but I’m not entirely certain? Just looking to band the ones with permanent residence.
  18. FalseToast

    Cute Pictures

    Just some pictures from the last two days. Been spending a lot of time with them at the river.
  19. FalseToast

    Nippy Goslings

    One minute I am dad, next I am food. My one gosling has decided to terrorize me on occasions by believing my fingers, hand, arms, and just about anything else is food. It’s teaching the other one the habit now and they’re both either gnawing on me or whatever else they can find. It was cute at...
  20. FalseToast

    Emergency! Chicken behaving strange!

    Wish I could post the videos I just took but I will explain best I can! She was dust bathing and I went to go see her and I accidentally scared her or something, but she started freaking out. Her rear was down to the ground, she was continuously trying to sit, but she kept panicking so she was...
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