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  1. sodamancer

    GLuten free feed??????

    I started this post, and yes i still read it. My chickens have been gluten free for a year ish and my daughter no longer reacts to our eggs. I sprout my seed, not a full on fodder system, but just a 4 day sprout and feed on day five. I use a grain mix of 2parts oats, 2 parts millet, and 1 part...
  2. sodamancer


    I have a nigerian. She is great. I personally really prefer my lamancha though. The tempermant is so wonderful on her. We keep our on an urban .27 acre for milk and cheese. We just bred our lamancha doe and she is due the 25th of may if she took.
  3. sodamancer


    So I way over estimated the hay consumption. My 2 pregnant does go through a bale a week of organic timothy orchard grass mix that I found at a great farm center for 10$ a bale. Yea for me only needing 60ish bales a year. That makes me VERY happy. Plus a bale of starw a month for bedding. so...
  4. sodamancer

    GLuten free feed??????

    I am using oats and sunflower seeds
  5. sodamancer

    Duck feeder trouble

    Thanks. I have a couple of those rubber tubs. Poor duckies. I only have 6 and hopefully soon will only have 4.
  6. sodamancer

    Duck feeder trouble

    I have a poultry feeder that i have been using for the ducks. They are making a terrible mess with it and wasting ALOT of feed. I think it may be because their bills keep getting stuck. So what do ya'll use to feed your ducks? Pics are great. I am handy but try to keep things simple if...
  7. sodamancer

    Alternative to Scratch feed???

    my chickens love the oats leftover that the goats dont eat and the soaked milo barely mix. i dont feed pellets any longer just fodder and whole seeds and oyster shells.
  8. sodamancer

    GLuten free feed??????

    I have switched to a fodder system. ITS AWESOME and so much cheaper. Yes i am using a gluten grain but once its been grassed it no longer has the gluten protien. check out this link for excellent info on fodder systems. Frühlingskabine Micro-Farm | Our adventure in gardening, angora rabbits...
  9. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    I do believe offense was completely intended. A farm is not always for meat. Some farms are for dairy, some for vegetables, some for raising fiber animals and then of course there are meat farms. Since i am doing at least 3 of those things i do think i can handle my own farm without not...
  10. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    t wasnt the blood or the killing it was the nasty smell. EWW. I have never smelled something so unnatural. Its just not right! The rabbits .....well killing is hard for me but i have dressed a rabbit and i didnt find it to bad. MEAT Chickens.....i will skip for now. Till i have a real farm!
  11. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    Oh this was gross. I just helped a friend butcher her 20 birds. Nasty. I can skin a rabbit, dress a pheasant, maybe clean a fish (not my fav.) but i did not enjoy the smell of plucking and all that with the chickens. NO THANKS. I will stick with rabbits. I take a hat off to you all who can...
  12. sodamancer


    If you are having TRUE BACKyARD goats then they will be more expensive than farm goats who have access to pasture. I will be buying 50 bales of hay a 200 a year, to feed my goats because i have no pasture. I will also need to buy a 50lb bag of feed every 2 months for my milking...
  13. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    my layers only have a 4x8 coop and there is 8 ladies in there plus a 10x10 run
  14. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    the tractor would be 4x8 and moved daily about my front yard. Enclosed.....well it would have a tarp over 1/2 of it completely wrapped around the frame....then a low roost maybe 6in off the ground.
  15. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    I can get small lots of meat chicks from a local feed store. The owner orders LOTS and then sells them at a 2.99 ea. This allows the backyard farmer (like me) to give it okay. Honestly we would likely eat 2 birds a month at most. maybe a bit less. The farm store actually keeps pullets in...
  16. sodamancer

    what was i thinking?

    right but could i put a heat lamp in a section of the coop and put them out there now? would they be okay? even the poofballs?
  17. sodamancer

    Planting fruit trees under pine trees

    i decided to move my blueberries, currants, and huckleberries to the the front area. To give people a better idea this is what it looks like plus two more just outta the picture on the left. the ones in the center are boxwood and an apple that doesnt produce.
  18. sodamancer

    what was i thinking?

    I have 6 new babies. I have 7 laying ladies already, one to be culled soon as i can muster the courage. I am nervouse about eating my own meat, (silly i know) Anyway 1 is 4weeks ish 3 are 3wks ish and 2 are poof balls still. When do i start putting them outside. I am in the PNW and the...
  19. sodamancer

    New to meat, What think you of this idea?

    I have a very small 1/3 acre lot and currently home to 12 layer chickens. I really want to eat chicken again and am tired of waiting until pheasant season for more bird. I thought i might try my hand at some cornish x. Because i am limited on space and time with which to slaughter birds i am...
  20. sodamancer

    Unexpected Bunnies

    I was given these two lil rescues and i have no idea the breed or what to do with them. Our 3yr mini farm plan had been to have 2 fiber bunnies (one male one female) and then 2 meat breeders and a buck for them. Anyway.....these two bunnies were left to die after the owners got bored of their...
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