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  1. staggsfam

    Please help

    What about the one that can’t walk
  2. staggsfam

    Please help

    Ok so I have a question. My boyfriend’s dad got these chickens and they all have the bare bellies. The other picture I have started to take as my own. She won’t walk she limped at first and would have a hard time walking around now she is segregated from the others so I could allow her to rest...
  3. staggsfam


    Hey Ya'll!! I'm in Granbury, Texas just joined the group and the whole raising chicken experience. Can't wait to get started. I have a plymouth rock Rooster named Mr.C. We are working on building a coop and stuff this weekend. He just showed up a few days ago and I couldn't find where he came...
  4. staggsfam

    Black stuff on comb

    I was going to use for the eggs. Not really sure on the color of egg does that matter on taste?
  5. staggsfam

    Black stuff on comb

    Thank you!!! Is there also a place on here about building a coop? We were going to get a hen or two so he wont be lonely. Would I feed them separately? Also this may be dumb question but can I get any hen or does it have to be the same kind?
  6. staggsfam

    Black stuff on comb

    He's my only one and he had them when he showed up to our house. I am only doing the scratch I honestly have no clue where to begin. I need a chickens 101 :lol: where do I start I want to be a good caretaker to him. I have been reading a lot on caring but I went yesterday to get food and there...
  7. staggsfam

    Black stuff on comb

    HELP!! This rooster is new to us. We went out of town to come back to a new friend. I have looked around the neighborhood to see if he belongs anywhere and haven't found anything. We hadn't planned on keeping him but my kids and I already love him! We named him Mr.C. He definitely feels welcome...
  8. staggsfam

    Hello from Texas

    Hello everyone! We are new to chickens actually I just have a rooster I have to get the hens but I'm getting the coop together this weekend! Nice to meet you all!
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