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  1. Mountain Roost

    Chronic soft egg issue

    The oyster shell calcium doesn't do it for one of my two geese. I give her people calcium citrate powder. We have found that an every-other day "Goosium" allows her to lay shelled eggs. The soft shells are hard to push out and she would get a back up of eggs because of this. I would find her...
  2. Mountain Roost

    Broody hen!

    I second this. You have to take the nest away and put her in a wire cage. I use a separate mini coop that has a roost because it can take the hen some time.
  3. Mountain Roost

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Things are going well! I managed to finished the brooder bins today too. Its been many days in the process. There is a lot of equipment to track down, clean, and assemble. But its done!
  4. Mountain Roost

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Been in full swing breeding, incubating, hatching, selling Svart Honas. Just washed down all the brooder equipment for 100 cornish that are arriving this week. Now I am off to assemble and test run 6 brooders! Thanks for Update Thread!
  5. Mountain Roost

    Chickens belly red and irritated

    Are the roosts or nest boxes made of plastic? I have seen red irritation like that on birds that used PVC roosts.
  6. Mountain Roost

    Temperature controller for DIY Incubator

    I do all incubation, hatching, and brooding with an Inkbord 308. I use it in degrees C for better temperature control. The alarm is vital in case the heat source malfunctions. The ITC-308 costs a little more than the small modules but they are ready to go out of the box, sealed units, that can...
  7. Mountain Roost

    Mud in my run

    Depending on your setup creating a drainage ditch to direct the water around the run could help. If the flow is going directly through the run due to the lay of the land you could dig out a trench and lay in a small culvert pipe (you can get creative here PVC, ABS, Corrugated drainage pipe...
  8. Mountain Roost

    4-5 week old chick is bald

    Pin feathers on the bald spot? That would be a great improvement for that little guy. Let us know how he does.
  9. Mountain Roost

    Critique my Brooder setup plus advice for delivery day

    I totally agree with that. Even 12 inches of cardboard all the way around the bottom. Shavings are to chicks as a box is to a toddler. Hours of entertainment.
  10. Mountain Roost

    Hi I'm Tarina and I am a new chicken mom

    Yes, keep up with the supportive care. Warm, quiet, food and water.
  11. Mountain Roost

    Hi I'm Tarina and I am a new chicken mom

    In the pictures his comb looks pretty dark purple It should look more bright red. This could indicate a heart or circulation problem. Especially given the gasping for air. I am unsure what treatment options there are for this. In meat birds we would cull/harvest a bird with heart troubles...
  12. Mountain Roost

    4-5 week old chick is bald

    Maybe a little bit of inbreeding has occurred. The chick seems to be stunted as well as bald.
  13. Mountain Roost

    How do I shut my rooster up?

    If he is a young roo he may grow out of it. Are there any light sources outside near their coop? Light could be keeping the chickens (and Roo) awake. edit to add: Dang this thread is old - 2009!
  14. Mountain Roost

    Meat for chickens; yes or no??

    The dog would be greatly offended if we gave the chickens her meaty tidbits from dinner. :D
  15. Mountain Roost

    Keeping water unfrozen for very young chicks

    You could put a second heating pad under the waterer. I use the reptile heat mats, maybe an 8 watt one.
  16. Mountain Roost

    Best Plucker

    We love our plucker! Ours is homemade but based on the Whiz-bang design. The only difference is we use a heavy fly-wheel at the bottom with a central shaft that goes up to a heavy duty drill for spin versus an on-board motor/pulley design. And 10 birds is definitely worth getting it out for.
  17. Mountain Roost

    Chicks keep dying

    The bin being used for the brooder is a little small too. The brooder should be big enough to create a gradient of temperature from 70 to 85. The chicks will run around the whole bin and then come to the warm spot to get warm again,
  18. Mountain Roost

    Myers vs Meyers

    I buy Myers' cornish cross. Simple ordering process and healthy birds.
  19. Mountain Roost

    Best type of winter waterer

    I do things a little different because I have 5 coops to keep water in. I also am a big proponent of using what is laying around. When water freezes it can break your container, unless it is a round bottom bowl. I take stainless steel bowls and set them down into an old lawn mower tire as a...
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