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  1. JimnRuth

    Keeping chickens after a liver transplant

    My honey bunny has just had a liver transplant. She is doing well. But the issue is the doctors have recommended that we get rid of our chickens. This is due to any disease from animal feces as she will be on immune suppression for the rest of her life. I'm bummed as I so enjoy having them...
  2. JimnRuth

    What's your flock's favorite treat?

    Mine also love mealworms, but blueberries come second, especially since I have a dozen bushes right next to the coop. They love it when I turn them loose during berry season. I say the top ones are for the birds, the bottom ones for the chickens and rabbits, the rest are for me.
  3. JimnRuth

    Rooster getting out of hand. Isolated him from the hens Sell or stew?

    Egg laying is picking up. The new easter eggers and orpingtons are starting to lay as are the older girls. Cool beans! That rascal was indeed causing all the mayhem.
  4. JimnRuth

    Rooster getting out of hand. Isolated him from the hens Sell or stew?

    Well the rooster is in the oven as I write this. Monday morning I got everything set up and butchered him. It went a lot easier than I had anticipated. My neighbor has some meat chickens and will be harvesting them in a few weeks, so it was a good experience for both of us. I put a feed bag in...
  5. JimnRuth

    Rooster getting out of hand. Isolated him from the hens Sell or stew?

    Got some Buff Orpingtons and Easter eggers this spring to double my flock. One turned out to be a rooster. Thought he'd be cool to have, maybe raise some chicks. But he's turning into a real nuisance. Harassing the hens, bullying and jumping them at every opportunity. Egg production is down to...
  6. JimnRuth

    Neighbors chickens staying overnight

    Our new neighbors are awesome, they started raising chickens as well as goats. We let our chickens run in the evening, that way they don't get too carried away with themselves and wonder too far off. The neighbors tend to let theirs out earlier, which is fine. They will run for our chicken yard...
  7. JimnRuth

    What bugs are all over my coop (pictures included 2 species)

    Diatomaceous Earth will help control them as well. You can dust your chickens with it as well.
  8. JimnRuth

    Does anyone let their chickens sleep outside?

    I made an enclosed run attached to the coop and they'd rather sleep out there than in the coop. I put plastic on 3 walls to keep the wind off them during the winter. It is secure so no worries. One real cold night they went into the coop a couple of days ago. I have a fenced in yard for them to...
  9. JimnRuth

    Mites Mites Mites

    Good to know. I hit them with DE and haven't seen them since.
  10. JimnRuth

    Youngsters getting acquainted with the big girls.

    Our 8 Isa Brown chicks are growing so fast. Full of feathers and rowdy as can be. We moved them from the box to the coop, closing it off to the big chicks. Had to build an extra nesting box for them as they are blocked from the coop. Been pretty warm so we leave the big coop door open with a...
  11. JimnRuth

    How to own more than 7 chickens?

    Georgia is great for chickens. No rules!
  12. JimnRuth

    How cold is too cold?

    Just a lil bit north of you in Georgia. Mine have been doing fine down to 32. I covered 3 sides of the run with plastic and tarps. They have a coop they can go into at night but prefer the roosts in the run. I tried putting them in the coop at my wife's insistence, but it was like herding...
  13. JimnRuth

    Fall Leaves

    They destroyed the pine straw in my front flower beds. Took some left of a bale and spread it in their run along with some more from the pines next to the coop.
  14. JimnRuth

    Are whole raw pumpkin seeds safe for chickens?

    Oh my chickens love watermelon! Now I know what to do with the leftover jackolanterns.
  15. JimnRuth

    Garlic and Oregano use in poultry

    Garlic and herbs makes a fine tasty chicken meal. I have given them minced garlic, they devoured it with their food.
  16. JimnRuth

    Chicken Goddess

    My girls love it when blueberries are in season. I have about 20 plants and they get the lower ones and those on the ground. They also go nuts over figs. Too funny to watch them fight over them.
  17. JimnRuth

    Chickens in Georgia

    In God's country up there. Love driving thru the mountains up there. BTW, what do you do for your flock in the winter?
  18. JimnRuth

    Clucking down the Hootch

    Clucking down the Hootch
  19. JimnRuth

    Chickens in Georgia

    The tire is for diatomaceous earth. Good for mites and anything that ails them. Also use Permanganate in the water for worms, etc.
  20. JimnRuth

    Chickens in Georgia

    Caught them all together! They love picking thru pine straw so I added it to the run for the winter. We have lots of it. Getting ready to sleep on the roosts. The coop which they only go into to lay eggs. My wife wanted me to put them up on a cold night and they wouldn't have anything to do with...
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