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  1. R

    I just wanted to let everyone know that unfortunately we had to put our lil hen down. It ended...

    I just wanted to let everyone know that unfortunately we had to put our lil hen down. It ended up that she actually had "water belly" and it just seemed day by day she was failing. It was a very hard decision as you can keep them alive by draining their belly every 2 to 3 months but in the end I...
  2. R

    Sick Hen

    Thank you so much! Like a warm wet towel or maybe hot water bottle covered by a towel? I can’t get her to eat so I don’t know how much calcium she has actually ingested if any 😩
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    Sick Hen

    I have a high protein feed as well from a farm feed store. The scratch is usually only once a day but they have stopped laying. I have 12 hens and I have only been getting 3 to 4 eggs a day so I was told to increase protein. It started when I took the heat lamp away. (Please don't judge 😂) They...
  4. R

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hey There! I am currently dealing with a 2 year old sick hen and I just want to say I am so thankful for this forum!!! Everyone is so kind and helpful!!! Lucky gal here to be able to have 12 girls in my flock and for the most part have been very healthy! Praying for my Cinnamon Girl to pull...
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    Sick Hen

    It has several different seeds etc.
  6. R

    Sick Hen

    I will definitely do that!! How many times a day can I do the warm bath for her?
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    Sick Hen

    I also give high protein scratch twice a day...morning and evening. I also feed them any leftover veggies or fruit. Also do chopped salad for them a couple times a month
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    Sick Hen

    She is 2. I feed them layer crumble and I do give them oyster shells in a bowl but I now added the shells to their crumble inside the feeder.
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    Sick Hen

    I did check her crop. We are good there. She is only 2 years old. I really believe she may be egg bound. I just watched some videos and she has all of the signs. She is really swollen down below her vent and her tail feathers point downward when she is standing. I will definitely be doing...
  10. R

    Sick Hen

    UPDATE.... I thought for sure when I woke up this morning she would be gone. She is still alive! I'm hoping to get some helpful hints. I live in a ranching town in Nevada and I cannot believe there is not a vet out here that will treat these hens. I would have to drive to Reno which is an hour...
  11. R

    Sick Hen

    First let me say I posted this under the conversations tab. Didn't get one response. Hoping I will get help here.🙏 I have a Cinnamon hen and yesterday she was acting kind of sick. At first I thought she was just getting some sun but then noticed that she was walking pretty slow. I was feeding...
  12. R

    My Hen Sleeping/pooping in nesting box

    Thanks so much! We did actually re-do a little. We raised the second roosting bar to the same height and all is well in the hen house again! Yayyyy 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
  13. R

    Chickens, roosters, and the mystery of no eggs.

    Hi there! I am in Fallon Nevada (hour outside of Reno) and I was wondering what you are feeding your hens? Mine don’t free range because of too many predator but I feed them well, lots of veggies and some fruits but I have 12 hens and I am getting maybe 2 or 3 eggs a day! 😳😩 This is their first...
  14. R

    My Hen Sleeping/pooping in nesting box

    T okay…..I will have him remove the lower one an move it to the same height. I don’t know that I would have room for 3 roosts. I will get photos tomorrow and post them so you all can see the space I’m working with. Thanks so much for the input.✌🏽🤗
  15. R

    My Hen Sleeping/pooping in nesting box

    T I feel like they use the lower one to get up to the higher one. Not sure I have room for another one if I leave the lower one. Maybe I can get the hubby to take the lower one out and just build a ramp to the higher ones?
  16. R

    My Hen Sleeping/pooping in nesting box

    I laid only a 12 inch piece of 2x4 inside the nesting box to try to detour her from sleeping in it. Obvi it didn’t work. She slept right on top of it. I also place a wood round in the main nesting box they all lay in and went out the next morning and one of the hens was already in one of the...
  17. R

    My Hen Sleeping/pooping in nesting box

    Hello All! I did find some answers to my hen that has decided to use one of the nesting boxes for her bed at night and therefore pooping in it as well. However, I’m trying to figure out how to get her to stop! So she is one of my hens that recently went through a pretty severe molting but has...
  18. R

    Nest box has two hens

    It’s so crazy to me! And with the heat here in Nevada (not Vegas) it makes them look so uncomfortable! I do have a fan in the hen house bc they are quite spoiled 😁😉
  19. R

    Nest box has two hens

    Is this normal behavior as it happens daily! I have 12 hens and 6 nesting boxes! I don’t get it! 😆
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