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  1. M

    can chickens catch colds or sicknesses from humans?

    we don’t feed our feathered girls a lot of table scraps, but depending on the food, have been known to. yesterday, my human girls had a viral infection that made them little puke machines. today they are better and i am on a mission to fill their bodies with nourishing foods. so i made...
  2. M

    Molting chicken acting disoriented

    what does the sardine offer her? one of my ladies, is in the midst of serious molt. she is kind of the runt of the three, and I worry the others are not letting her get enough food. what a cruel trick of nature, to have them molt in the winter time, when it's so cold. I bought some protein...
  3. M

    Protecting run in winter

    what do you cover the roof with? we are in the midst of making a larger coop and run for our ladies, on the last nice weekend we will have here in minnesnowda. we are planning to insulate the coop, but haven't decided which material to use yet. and planning on putting plastic around the run...
  4. M

    Jumping Worms

    does anyone know if it is alright if the chickies eat the jumping worms, or are they somehow bad for them? we’re in western minneapolis suburbs, and while we haven’t discovered any just yet, knock on wood, i’m sure it’s only a matter of time. just want to know how much we need to be on alert...
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