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  1. agarnp

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    😌sorry..I have a special chick too and hope I don’t have to go thru what u went thru . Take care.
  2. agarnp

    Please Help! Eggbound & Possible Prolapsed Vent

    I think hydration may be important too - I pray she makes it through alright
  3. agarnp


    Oh yes…if I ever have one again my choice would be anything but RIR…they can’t be trusted either!
  4. agarnp


    He’s a looker! I have two Rhode Island Reds and the older one jumped at me from behind a couple of times but when he attacked my husband he got payback and he didn’t do it again..I still carry around a stick just in case because the other rooster is young and I think those hormones kick in and...
  5. agarnp

    Hen severely injured

    I had a chicken with a head wound and I just cleaned it with antiseptic spray and then put some neosporin on it. The only thing is I had to keep her away from other chicks. Poor thing it looks like her eyes are swollen shut from the injury: Is she able to move? Is she making any sounds?
  6. agarnp

    Hen or roo? 10 week old Barred Rock!

    yep .......I think big pullet
  7. agarnp

    Attacked By Dog, Not Moving. Please Help.

    Any update? I hope there is some improvement - every little improvement is positive sign she might make it.
  8. agarnp

    Rooster recovering from dog attack has stopped eating/drinking

    Please give update on your rooster...has there been any consequences with regards to the dog that attacked? Is there a way you can keep this dog away? This is so hard to think about and I hope your rooster will somehow make it through. Has he started to drink or eat? Pls give update when you can.
  9. agarnp

    Spur came off

    oh and regarding completely broken off spur --will it grow back?
  10. agarnp

    Rooster recovering from dog attack has stopped eating/drinking

    restarting antibiotics may be better than not doing anything.. I am concerned hes not feeding or drinking. Good luck. This is sad.
  11. agarnp

    Spur came off

    Oh thank you! Wheewww it’s so hard to catch this huge RIR and then he’s such a baby but we’ll keep an eye on it🥹
  12. agarnp

    Spur came off

    Noticed 1.5 yr old Rooster with spur off. Area above it somewhat swollen. Still able to walk around ok. Tried to treat area but the area where spur came off has a hard surface. Cleaned it and applied antibacterial and bandaid. I think I’ve read about soaking area but forgot with it...
  13. agarnp

    beak problems

    Ok tks! I found out it was caked on powder from their feed which had settled at the bottom - I guess I just freaked a bit b/c they wount let me catch them to look closer but later I realized the stuff was gone…whewww! But thanks for reply!
  14. agarnp

    beak problems

    are there any diseases involving the beak of chickens?
  15. agarnp

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    6 (actually 7 - one got cracked & eaten😒)
  16. agarnp

    Egg eating problem!

    it just happened to me however the 6 eggs found cracmed and eaten were outside the area ofcoup or nesting boxes-we do have a roll out in our four boxes but wonder if we need more nesting boxes...I see two trying to lay in one box sometimes. we do let them free range pretty much all day -we have...
  17. agarnp

    Should I cull an aggressive, lone pullet?

    Oh interesting about the broody hen and other hen behaviour towards makes sense to me now. The surely are peculiar creatures. Sorry you had to cull that very aggressive one though. They do offer amusing entertainment but sometimes there is weird stuff that goes beyond chicken drama...
  18. agarnp

    I followed advice given to me BUT….

    I dont trust my roosters (RIRs - father & son) they are great with their girls but Ive learned never to turn my back on them and I carry a big stick w me when Im near them. Also I always put treats out before I let them out of the pen (and stay out if their way). Gosh - if I didnt do it that...
  19. agarnp

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    11 from my 12 laying hens...its been very hot here in Florida- had to put a fan in there😮
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