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  1. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at??

    Update: I tried a variation of a home remedy for salpingitis posted by another member of this site. 3ml of Corid 3ml of Verm-X 3 amoxicillin tablets, crushed A single drop of oregano essential oil Roughly 1/2 Tablespoon of local honey About a teaspoon of water. I've given each...
  2. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    Update: I tried a variation of a home remedy for salpingitis posted by another member of this site. 3ml of Corid 3ml of Verm-X 3 amoxicillin tablets, crushed A single drop of oregano essential oil Roughly 1/2 Tablespoon of local honey About a teaspoon of water. I've given each of my 2...
  3. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at??

    That's what I'm afraid of. I found another post on here where supposedly someone cured their chicken with a concoction of antibiotic, oregano oil, liquid mineral, and honey. Figure I'll give it a try, but with baited breath.
  4. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at??

    One of my Golden Comets laid this thing. I have 2 Golden Comets and two new Leghorns. For months now only one of the Golden Comets has been laying, whereas previous they both had been every single day. I wasn't terribly worried, otherwise they both seem quite healthy and I thought one might be...
  5. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    I keep antibiotics on hand for respiratory infections in the summer month since the dust gets them especially bad around that time. I'll try them on a round of that and see what happens. And I'll copy and paste this in the disease section, thanks for the suggestion.
  6. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    I don't think it could be calcium deficiency. All their eggshells are super thick and they all chow down on the oyster grit every day.
  7. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    Interesting, I'll research more on lash material, thanks. When you say infection, are you thinking anything specific, such as something confined to the reproductive tract?
  8. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    Thanks, I did already look at that article but didn't really find anything that seemed to match the condition of my egg or my chicken. The yolk looked pretty normal other than having a huge "meat spot". The second egg that was tiny, round, and fragile also had a normal yolk.
  9. L

    What in the sam hill am I looking at?

    One of my Golden Comets laid this thing. I have 2 Golden Comets and two new Leghorns. For months now only one of the Golden Comets has been laying, whereas previous they both had been every single day. I wasn't terribly worried, otherwise they both seem quite healthy and I thought one might be...
  10. L

    Figured out what was wrong with Basil! Woohoo! Further questions....

    She's down to just the gurgling. But she initially had gaping and neck stretching, gurgling, coughing, sneezing, lack of appetite, refusal to eat when prompted, lethargy. There was only a day or two that she had bubbly eyes when the sneezing and coughing was at is worst. She really acted near...
  11. L

    Figured out what was wrong with Basil! Woohoo! Further questions....

    Woohoo! Finally figured out what was wrong with my hen! So she most certainly was molting, I think that is what started the whole thing. She's had a very difficult molt in spite of all the Care and supplements that I've been giving her. The molt caused her to be demoted in the flock since she...
  12. L

    Needing help understanding this lethargy with hen

    I have permethrin spray that I used over the summer for flies. I know the bottle says it can be used directly on poultry. How does that work? Do I just spritz them? Is that enough to penetrate their feathers or do I need to try to get under their wings as well?
  13. L

    Needing help understanding this lethargy with hen

    Thanks. I had considered that she might be getting ready for a molt. So far Rosemary is the only chicken to molt this season, Chili has shown no signs whatsoever of a molt. Basil hasn't been losing feather and when I treated her for the lice I didn't notice any new pin feathers forming. But I...
  14. L

    Needing help understanding this lethargy with hen

    So I have a Rhode Island Red hen named Basil. I live in a metropolitan area so I have a tiny flock of only 3 hens, all RIR. In the summer they all laid an egg a day and were champion eaters. Chili is definitely the lead hen, she is at the top of the pecking order, super healthy, etc. Basil was...
  15. L

    Egg Bound, Cold, Something Else?

    Yeah, her flockmate Rosemary was in the middle of a molt when I purchased her. She was absolutely awful looking. 🤣 but lots of protein, pepper flakes, and quiet time and she turn out quite pretty.
  16. L

    Egg Bound, Cold, Something Else?

    I guess that's possible. I didn't notice any feather loss in her bath yesterday, but if it's early in the process I guess it might not be noticable yet.
  17. L

    Egg Bound, Cold, Something Else?

    Her poop is a little bit different colored than the other two chickens, it's more Brown than black. But it's not runny, it still has the white cap. I had wondered about sour crop, but her crop feels normal compared to the other two, just much less full. And this morning her crop was empty. I've...
  18. L

    Egg Bound, Cold, Something Else?

    I'm new to the site and new to chicken raising. I've had three full-grown hens since August, Chili, Basil and Rosemary. They've all been laying an egg a day, until the recent cold snap when they've all gone down to about every other day. Yesterday, Basil, my beta chicken, was acting squirrely. I...
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