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  1. talkinboutchickens

    A hen went broody and she has been sitting for a while.......

    Hello! My black australorp Phyllis went broody. I thought one of my family members checked the eggs but turns out they didn't take all of them, so....... Turns out 2-3 eggs have babies in them. I can't just let the embryos die. That would be awful! So, I'm gonna clean out my incubator from my...
  2. talkinboutchickens

    Are these 3 roosters? I know the light Brahma is a rooster but I can’t figure out if my polish and my white and black Easter egger are roosters

    I think both are roos. Polish is a rooster for sure. You can see the polish's saddle feathers hanging off of his back. I am pretty sure that the easter egger is a rooster as well, it's hackle feathers are pointed.
  3. talkinboutchickens

    Help deciding breed layers

    Hi! Sapphire gems are great layers and plus they are very friendly so they would be a great addition to your flock πŸ™‚ I am a big fan of the breed. Sapphire gem roosters are usually super friendly, however they are quite big so make sure you have the space for themπŸ˜„ That was probably a good thing...
  4. talkinboutchickens


    I don't think the rest are gonna make it. No pips ☹️ 😞 Meanwhile all the baby chicks are doing good, I just moved them into a big brooder yesterday and gave them mush.
  5. talkinboutchickens

    Feeding plants with fungal disease to my chickens?

    I probably wouldn't risk itπŸ™‚
  6. talkinboutchickens

    Found Duckling

    No it doesn't look domestic to me. I think it's a mallard.
  7. talkinboutchickens

    Incubator has a lot of fuzz in it....Is it from chicks??

    Why do you think it happens?
  8. talkinboutchickens

    I'm sorry I have another questionπŸ˜…

    Can I scrub the whole bator with dawn dishsoap and water and then wipe the whole thing down with clorox wipes?? Do you think that would be enough??
  9. talkinboutchickens

    Incubator has a lot of fuzz in it....Is it from chicks??

    Hello! I have baby chicks in the incubator currently and I am just waiting to get a brooder for them so that they can go in there soon. I've been seeing a lot of weird fuzz in my incubator. It's the length of chick down and I am expecting that that is what it is. But why would baby chicks lose...
  10. talkinboutchickens

    Suggestions for newborn chick treats??

    I feed crumble to all my chickens/chicks. Would the chia/quinoa seeds mixed with corn meal be a treat or full-on meal??
  11. talkinboutchickens


    Puddin' and Tiramisu hatched yesterday, and this morning Baklava, Zagnut, and Heath all hatched!!! I have no idea who is who, there were two gray ones that hatched and a black and white one! It's the first black chick that I've hatched. All the rest were gray and brown. We are still waiting on...
  12. talkinboutchickens

    Are chicks going to be okay in incubator for 2 days??

    The humidity in the room that the incubator is in is around 50% and the humidity is about 65% in the incubator. Would it be okay to lift up the lid?
  13. talkinboutchickens

    Are chicks going to be okay in incubator for 2 days??

    Thanks so much! So the vacuum effect wouldn't happen??? That's really interesting that they can live off of the yolk for 72 hours! No wonder they are pooping a lot....
  14. talkinboutchickens

    Are chicks going to be okay in incubator for 2 days??

    Hello!:frow It is day 20 of incubation and 7 chicks have hatched today so far, and it looks like 2 are on their way!!! But, there are still some that need to hatch. I incubated eggs at different times, four were added on the day after I set the eggs. Eggs #21 and #22 (the only surviving out of...
  15. talkinboutchickens


    I have some more pics of the babies. Better pic of Custard: MeringueπŸ˜„πŸ˜ Sour patch all dry Cute plump little babies
  16. talkinboutchickens


    Lollipop just hatched. So tiny! I think she is our tiniest baby yet.
  17. talkinboutchickens


    Not yet, we are still waiting on Apple Pie, Peachie O, Zagnut, Tootsie Roll, Cinnamon roll and maybe another one to pip.
  18. talkinboutchickens


    Heath and 2 others (can't see the number) pipped!
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