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  1. Moon Daizy

    This is what a balanced layer feed with no treats delivers

    Another interesting article Quote: It’s important to acknowledge the elephant in the room before we dig into the nutritional needs of our feather friends: Chickens aren’t what they used to be. We’ve been feeding our chickens...
  2. Moon Daizy

    This is what a balanced layer feed with no treats delivers

    This article is useful. @Perris what is your opinion? I’ve been reading along here and also your Shadrach thread. I’m planning on feeding my birds a portion of fermented / sprouted whole grains, vegetable scraps (minus the ones they can’t eat - we now...
  3. Moon Daizy

    What age should I get?

    Sorry, haven’t had time to read all the comments, so sorry if this has already been shared. This article is brilliant (link below). I’d go for chicks if you want them tame and used to your dogs. We currently have chicks, and they are not quite 2 weeks old but the dog is already treating them...
  4. Twelve chickens on the kitchen table....

    Twelve chickens on the kitchen table....

    This is a 'brain dump' of all my thoughts and actions of our first incubating and hatching journey - from receiving the eggs to popping the chicks into the brooder. It's purpose is for me to be able to look back on it for future hatches, and for others to be encouraged and hopefully learn...
  5. Moon Daizy

    Cuckoo Maran chick gender Q please

    Thank you for your detailed response, I appreciate it. I will just have to keep my fingers crossed it’s a pullet then. It’s a real sweetheart, and very docile / calm, and always hungry 😂
  6. Moon Daizy

    Cuckoo Maran chick gender Q please I was going off the information provided on here re gender at hatch @ShrekDawg @LavenderDaFlerf @EggSighted4Life but thanks for your replies!
  7. Moon Daizy

    Cuckoo Maran chick gender Q please

    Hello, can anyone shed some light on this little Cuckoo Maran chick please? I think it’s a girl, but the bottom is confusing me :confused: I know baby’s bottoms can be swollen at birth from all the hormones though. It’s my daughter’s chick, and only one of her 3 Maran eggs have hatched so far 😢...
  8. Moon Daizy

    boy vs. girl Cuckoo Marans

    Hello, can anyone shed some light on this little Cuckoo Maran chick please? I think it’s a girl, but the bottom is confusing me :confused: I know baby’s bottoms can be swollen at birth from all the hormones though. It’s my daughter’s chick, and only one of her 3 Maran eggs have hatched so far 😢...
  9. Moon Daizy


    Any of the eggs more likely to be a black chick? What breeds are the different eggs? Sorry if you've already answered this, been kinda distracted hatching eggs over here 🤣😂😉 xxx
  10. Moon Daizy

    Hatch-along coming soon!! Mixed breed edition!

    We get ticks on the dog too! Horrible things. Our parakeet is cute, he can say a few words (hello, good bird) and he mimics my daughters laugh really well, and always seems to know when it's an appropriate time to laugh - he has me in stitches! Like, once he did a poo on our sofa, where my...
  11. Moon Daizy

    Has anyone tried dry incubation and does it work well? And a sexlink breeding question.

    Um... Well, we drew round the air cells after candling on day 17, but the chick pipped well outside of this air cell. So I was worried it wouldn't be able to get air - the pip had cracked the shell but had not broken through. So I candled the egg to see if the pip was inside the air cell - and...
  12. Moon Daizy

    Is about 100.5 okay for dry hatching?

    Hello! I only have done this one hatch, so not really experienced! Our temperature didn't fluctuate. The thermometer on the incubator stayed at 37.8C, and the calibrated thermometer at the bottom usually said 37.4, but it's thermometer sensor is on the underside, so against the floor of the...
  13. Moon Daizy

    Hatch-along coming soon!! Mixed breed edition!

    Thank you!! My youngest daughter was so excited / worried last night, she couldn't sleep! They already get under your skin as little eggs, especially when you see them moving during candling... but man, when they start cheeping and pipping it's even worse :love:love....!! No, thankfully I'm not...
  14. Moon Daizy

    Has anyone tried dry incubation and does it work well? And a sexlink breeding question.

    Yes, two have pipped!! One cream legbar and one maran. It is day 21 today. One pipped yesterday outside of the air cell, so that was an oddity. I left it 12 hours, nothing more had happened. I carefully removed it this morning to candle it - and saw that the air cell has moved, and in fact...
  15. Moon Daizy

    Chick pipped outside of the air cell

    It has been 12 hours now. I carefully removed the egg this morning, candled it. The air cell is bigger / has moved from when I drew it on day 17, and is over the site of the hole in the shell! And I heard cheeping and felt it moving! So precious! I am not worrying now I know it has successfully...
  16. Moon Daizy

    Chick pipped outside of the air cell

    Thanks for your reply. It isn’t chirping so I’m hoping it is just resting. It is day 20 today, so I’m guessing it was trying to pip internally. I’m just hoping it can get air through that tiny crack, it’s hard to see if it has or not
  17. Moon Daizy

    Chick pipped outside of the air cell

    My first ever egg to incubate has just done this. How long did it take to make the hole bigger? If you remember! I don't want to intervene / assist too early (I'd only make the hole a lil bigger, have read the articles by Sally Sunshine) but I don't want to let it suffocate either. I'm worried...
  18. Moon Daizy

    Overwhelmed with composting

    I have, this year, designed a new coop and run based on this idea - that the chickens are going to be my composters. This video really helped me. I have a MUCH smaller garden than this lucky fellow, but I just took his principles and replicated them on a smaller scale. I may get round to...
  19. Moon Daizy

    Hatch-along coming soon!! Mixed breed edition!

    I have read that, too. I can’t remember what age our three breeds typically reach POL, I will look it up once they’re here safely! It’s hatch day tomorrow!! Well, day 21… I guess I’m looking at it as hatch weekend this weekend!! (Will see when they decide to pip, zip and pop!!) We managed to...
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