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  1. PhilippinesChicGirl

    Chicks are not hatching, seem to be drowning in the egg.

    Yes, we have a electronic thermostat that also monitors humidity. We have a small humidifier in the incubator and it is reading 65 to 70 at lockdown. The chics start to pip at 19 days and they run out of energy and stop breaking the shell. We have had to help all of them so far. I am thinking...
  2. PhilippinesChicGirl

    New from the Philippines

    I have 2 RIR roosters but I separated them because one was too aggressive. I kept the quiet one in with the 4 hens.
  3. PhilippinesChicGirl

    Chicks are not hatching, seem to be drowning in the egg.

    I have performed an eggtopsy on the unhatched eggs and some eggs are fully grown but surrounded with fluid. I am using a homemade incubator with just lights and thermostat.
  4. PhilippinesChicGirl

    New from the Philippines

    Hello everyone. I am fairly new to breeding chickens and joined the site to get information etc. I started with 10 Rhode Island Red chicks and then another 10 RIR and I got hooked. I now have Rhode Island Red, Jersey giants, Black Australorp, Lavender Australorp, Barred Plymouth Rock, Buff...
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