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  1. goodeggsforyou

    Did Denagard Kill My Rooster?

    I just want to say I'm sorry for the difficulties. I appreciate your kind heart and can sure relate to not wanting them to suffer. Take care and best to you.
  2. goodeggsforyou

    Breathing very rapidly with mouth open and wheezing; please Help!

    No obvious stridor but light wheezing with each breath. Also this evening she was able to get up on the roost in their run but didn't seem to want to get down to go to bed in the coop as they always do. She also has a very slumped and tired looking posture as she sits on the roost.
  3. goodeggsforyou

    Breathing very rapidly with mouth open and wheezing; please Help!

    I do not see anything in her throat and she is sneezing as well from time to time. She's able to walk around but is slower than usual. Not eating much at all and haven't seen her drink. Pretty sure it's respiratory.
  4. goodeggsforyou

    Breathing very rapidly with mouth open and wheezing; please Help!

    Gateworm? Respiratory bacteria? Swallowed something? WHAT CAN I DO?! Today our hen is walking around some but about 44 breaths per minute with open mouth an wheezing with each breath. A little sneezing; no discharge from beak or eyes. Do I just get a wide spectrum antibiotic and try that...
  5. goodeggsforyou

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    Thank you so much for taking the time to respond. I greatly appreciate it! Giving them a thorough looking over is a great idea; thanks for the good suggestions on how to do so. They are being fed layer feed pellets which they've always eaten up until now. Maybe it's the brand (?) We do likely...
  6. goodeggsforyou

    Worried about unusual behavior! Might it be the bear or What?!

    Hi All. After 3 years of a healthy flock I think something's wrong but really have no idea what and am worried for them. I place this in the predator area too because we do have bears around here and recently noticed come claw marks, etc. on the coop that are new, though no victims thankfully...
  7. goodeggsforyou

    Mystery: What's Wrong with the girls?! WORRIED; please be patient with the length

    Hi All. After 3 years of a healthy flock I think something's wrong but really have no idea what and am worried for them. Just had to put our beloved dog to sleep. Don't want them to not be ok too!! About 2 weeks ago I noticed they were eating little feed and attributed it to them being out...
  8. goodeggsforyou

    draft curtain

    I just saw a flexible plastic dog house door for sale on Chewy. I think it's what you (and I) have in mind. Good luck.
  9. goodeggsforyou

    draft curtain

    Just saw the plastic dog house doors on Chewy. I think that's what you (and.I) have in mind. Good luck.
  10. goodeggsforyou

    Heating Screens

    Has anyone used the heating screens that look like little computer screens, and would one be safe to use inside a very small coop this winter, or would a heating pad be the best and safest way to keep 3 chickens warm? I'd love any other ideas as well about how to keep them warm inside a...
  11. goodeggsforyou

    Roosting rod necessary?

    Hey!! Smoking meat forums too! Yay!
  12. goodeggsforyou

    Roosting rod necessary?

    I should have been clear that they do have the ability to roost as there are rods available to them in their enclosed area but s the weather gets cold they'll want me to be inside the coop. Thanks for your kindness!
  13. goodeggsforyou

    Roosting rod necessary?

    I like my bed even more than I like smart alecks but point taken. As I told someone above, they have recently started roosting outside on top of their coop even though there are roosting rods in that enclosed area that they could utilize. It makes me wonder if it is more about them liking to be...
  14. goodeggsforyou

    Roosting rod necessary?

    Very certainly true. These chickens do have a couple of roosting rods in their area that they use quite a bit during the day it's just that at night they don't inside the coop. Interestingly they have just started roosting on the outside of the coop but not on the actual rods.
  15. goodeggsforyou

    Winterizing Coop

    I really appreciate this post as I'm also concerned for my chickens as the weather gets colder. Generally the coldest it gets here is about 12 degrees F. I am strongly considering getting one of those plug-in chicken warmers that look like a small TV screen and go inside the coop. They seem...
  16. goodeggsforyou

    Chicks in coop early?

    Thank you so much for the good info! What about winter however when we will get freezing temps/snow here in the mountains? Is a heating pad enough at that point ( we will have three adult chickens in very small coop with a roosting bar, surrounded by a larger very secured in area that will be...
  17. goodeggsforyou

    Would anyone like to have two 6-8 week old chickens for free?

    Hello. I live in Washington to and the breed really doesn't matter though of course I am curious. If you haven't found someone already, please get in touch here or better yet give me a call at 541-558-9436. Thank you.
  18. goodeggsforyou

    Chicks in coop early?

    More specific what night time low temp. can chicks be put out Without a heat lamp? We are still having some nighttime lows into the forties at times but the chicks are almost fully feathered out and are 6 weeks old. We put them out daily for hours, and they are fine, but are still...
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