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  1. casportpony

    Topic of the Week - Candling Eggs

    I just thought of one... I look for cracks that aren't visible to my old eyes! I used to try to hatch cracked eggs, but I found it to frustrating, so now I just toss them or eat them. :hide
  2. casportpony

    Topic of the Week - Candling Eggs

    I find duck eggs easier to candle than chicken eggs, so probably not a good way to compare the two.
  3. casportpony

    Topic of the Week - Candling Eggs

    It's bright enough that I can candle duck eggs in a brightly lit room, but as I said before, I think a good flashlight will probably do the same?
  4. casportpony

    Topic of the Week - Candling Eggs

    Truth be told, I think a less expensive flashlight will work just as well or even better.
  5. casportpony

    Topic of the Week - Candling Eggs

    It's not listed. :hide
  6. casportpony

    Topic of the Week - Candling Eggs

    Another great topic! - What do you use to candle eggs? Brinsea Ovascope - What about candling dark shelled eggs? Sometimes I'll use a second flashlight, but the Brinsea is pretty bright. - When do you start candling eggs? Depends on the eggs. High-value eggs, like pea eggs, or turkey...
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