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  1. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    One looks like it will be mainly white in color the other should have an interesting pattern with more dark areas. One looks like a crowed prince. The other looks like it has a dark cap with dark angle wings.
  2. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I have started doing the exact same thing with my birds. My reasons may be different than your however. I have been plagued with hawk attacks. I find in the late evening hawks are done hunting for the day. Since I adopted this policy it has reduced my losses considerably. I have lost the...
  3. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I had one pigeon loose all his tail feathers. He still flies exceptionally well despite that fact. It had been close to a year; yet for some reason the tail feathers have yet to regenerate.
  4. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Could you supply us with a link to the bands you discovered. I am more than interested. I am not one to ask. I live in Canada and bought the ones I have through the U.S. They were expensive when I ordered them. When they finally arrived with the duty and the exchange the price was almost...
  5. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    One was driven back from 58 miles away by a good Samaritan and his family. I am up to at least 11 out of 13 new recruits. The advantage of having your name and phone number on your pigeon's band. Any that do not arrive tomorrow I doubt I will ever see again.
  6. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Well at least 4 more made it back maybe more. So I think I at least got 10 birds back out of the 13.
  7. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I let 13 of my young homing pigeons out for a flight in view of the loft only 6 have return today. Hope my luck is better tomorrow.
  8. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I am not saying you are wrong good buddy. All I want to say when it comes to genetics be prepared for "SURPRISES".
  9. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    The egg looks infertile to me. How long have they been incubating it? It should hatch in 19+- days and near the finale days the eggs is black when you try to candle it.
  10. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I do both in my loft. I mix layer pellets (which contains calcium in the pellet) in with my feed mixture. I also have 2 extra feeders one filled with grit and one with calcium. It may take a year or more for the two extra feeders to become empty but they eventually do.
  11. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I am guessing they flew home as a group (20+- mile toss) as they were all here when I arrived. I flew a slightly different flock yesterday from the same location and they all arrived this morning. A freak storm hit the coast line where the release was made.
  12. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    My young homers did a 20 mile toss yesterday. That is their longest flight to date all went well.
  13. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I had it happen on occasion with young hens (not common).
  14. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Eggs usually arrive 10+- days after mating. Best of luck.
  15. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Here is my "DREAM AVIARY".
  16. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Maybe you should invest in something like this.
  17. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Yes @backyard pigeons it happen today when the second squab in a clutch of eggs broke free of it's shell Again 50 pigeons, squeakers. and squabs. Plus I must have ½+- dozen pairs on eggs currently. Now if I just can get them all trained and orientated.
  18. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    All depends on it's homing ability. I plan to let it loose tomorrow evening and will begin it's training when my next round of birds are ready to start.
  19. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    Well so do I! My squab & pigeon count is up to 48. I also have 6 clutches of eggs incubating at present. My 50 bird goal count should be only days away. Have not let Julia (feral interloper addition) out to loft fly yet. Valuable tip: Since I started loft flying my birds roughly 2 hours...
  20. Hokum Coco

    Pigeon Talk

    I have had birds return home after 9 months in captivity so surprises can happen. Realistically if they are not home in 3 days I write them off. Also if ADULT PIGEONS return after my best efforts (3 rounds of offspring) to bond to my loft I let the original owner keep them.
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