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  1. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Oh are you dealing with a prickly pear too? Ours is growing back like crazy outside.
  2. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    -flops- I live! I think... it's been nuts over here. ugh. So my second batch hatched out on May 16th, they're going to be 3 weeks old tomorrow. I seriously need to post about them so I can get them sold (even though yes I have a lady who's interested in more of the girls). The roosters from...
  3. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Ah disability it's so lovely here in the US.... Cause that's how it is here too. So it's not just Montana. That's how disability works across pretty much the entire United States. The federal cutoff is normally 2k across all accounts, even investments. You're allowed to have a...
  4. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    I did! It's a boy and girl pair from my first hatch of the season (These black sex links are so darn cute). And I entered it into the chick photo contest. Haven't entered anything else, but we'll see how we do!
  5. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Well, I wasn't getting notifications today apparently! Good news though! I finally got my first customer for ordering chicks! We're just trying to figure out pickup logistics now lol. (Oh how I love scheduling...)
  6. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Listen I keep saying Mother Nature is going through Menopause right now and it's rough! So update on the chicks, they're doing good, being little menaces as usual. I've got my flyer typed up so I'm planning on putting those up at the local feed stores nearby. I also need to start posting on...
  7. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    That was my original thought too that she might be resting. But I opened the incubator and wiggled her egg and she was deathly still. So yeah no she's gone. Also I think she's starting to smell so I definitely need to take her out. If she somehow comes to life and starts screeching at me when I...
  8. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Ya'll I got some potentially sad news... my little wayward chick that was hatching sideways/not at the air cell? My bf and I were keeping a constant watch on her and making sure the humidity didn't drop too low. I have to check but... she's rather still... I think she might be gone. And I was...
  9. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Welp. I didn't need that mini panic attack just now... One of my eggs in the incubator is externally pipped but... She's trying to bust out the side instead of at the air cell where she should. Cue me panicking and running to the assisted hatching article like a maniac. Thankfully, apparently...
  10. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    11 down 6 more to go. Currently the boys outnumber the girls 6 to 5 (hopefully that changes soon). These darn eggs are taking foreevverrr and I am super tired. I'm just praying the humidity is going to be okay once I finally go to bed tonight.
  11. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Remember that egg I accidentally set upside down and flipped after candling at a week? Yeah so he just hatched about an hour or so ago. And he's completely healthy and fine (and just as I suspected, a boy lol) 10 down, 7 to go! I didn't get to sleep till 3:30 am this morning and got woken up...
  12. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Something hysterical I should note that happened while I had to make an urgent run to TSC... I came home and my boyfriend had the volume turned up on my pc (the incubator is on my desk) and was playing a youtube video of "Chick noises 2 hours and 20 minutes" to try and encourage the little ones...
  13. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    We hatched our first boy a couple of hours ago, so we're on to 3 surviving and in the brooder! It's hysterical because all I read was "The boys will have a white spot on their heads." I didn't take that to mean I'm going to have a chick hatching out looking like a Backstreet boy with frosted...
  14. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    She's out!!! Now for the rest of the eggs to hurry up and pip... The suspense is killing me.
  15. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    WE HAVE MORE MOVEMENT!!! Somebody's making a break for it! They're really zipping right now!
  16. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Update from the incubator: The little girl with the yolk sac still attached didn't make it... It's a bit of a bummer but we'll see how many others hatch.
  17. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Apparently the way you sex them is the girls are solid black fluff balls and the boys are all black with white spots on their heads.
  18. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Thank you! Also... I realized I made a major goof but still came out okay. SO apparently the information I found when I was originally double checking what pairing I needed for Red Sex Links was incorrect. What I found said "Rhode Island Red Roo x Barred Rock Hens." Nope. According to this...
  19. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    The first little girl that hatched, her sister is still in the incubator. And Taggart who's never seen chicks up close before. Who I just had to hollar at and scold quite a bit because I walked away for five seconds and he had his head COMPLETELY in the brooder bothering her! After I...
  20. fangedknight

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    Thisssss and also I'm totally going to use that on my boyfriend later. HA! I'll have to grab a picture of my Monstera Deliciosa sometime. I have it on a low plant stand and it's essentially a floor plant now. And it's still not as big as I want it to get, plus I still need to get a moss pole...
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