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  1. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Here's a good video discussing hutch sizes/needs:
  2. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Here's my site:
  3. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Great rabbit care advice given already! I'm also all for indoor housing. I have a website about housing rabbits indoors (no ads & no selling). Is it permissible to post it here?
  4. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Upper respiratory issues can have any number of potential causes. Treatment will depend on the cause. Here's some info that may be helpful:
  5. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    LOL! Some rabbits will eat anything they can get to! A French Lop I had sneaked a bit of sausage, a piece of salmon, and a favorite of his was to sneak into the pantry and get into the potato chips bag!
  6. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Corn cob bedding is not recommended. If rabbits decide to nibble on it, it can cause gut impaction. Wood pellets are a better (safer) alternative.
  7. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Looks great!! (It'll make good compost if you have a garden.):thumbsup
  8. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Can't say for sure what they are, but can say for sure that the one with the broken markings has markings so far off standard that it cannot be an English Spot. There can be solid color English Spots but your male in the photo would be a bit pudgy and thick boned for an English Spot. Hard to say...
  9. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    It really doesn't matter, as I also mentioned. I was merely pointing out how often English Spots are mislabeled- as are yours. The photo & video I posted show this rather clearly. Your rabbits are cuter than English Spots.
  10. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    I soooo want to pet that soft fur!!! :love
  11. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    That's the thing with rabbits. Once you've had a great favorite rabbit, it's hard to imagine being able to find another one like it. They can be oh so very different! I've had a few that really stood out as favorites... the others... not so much.
  12. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    It's a myth that rabbits in rabbit rescues are there because they are "problem bunnies." Many rabbits end up in shelters because a rabbit's hormones kick in and the owner doesn't understand that those hormonal behaviors can be minimized or eliminated with neutering. (Or they just don't want to...
  13. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Animal shelters often mis-identify breeds. The English Spot label is often (wrongly) given to any white rabbit with black markings. Most rabbits from shelters are mixes anyway. Almost all of my past rabbits were mixes from rescues. We love them just the same! Anyway, this is what a true...
  14. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    If you're looking for ideas to keep them from going under the couch, I've used 2x4s tucked just under the couch (on whichever sides of the couch are accessible). Depending on the size of the gap between floor and couch bottom, get whatever size wood would work.
  15. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    Beautiful coloring!!! :love
  16. Happy Novogens

    Calling All Rabbit Nutters

    When timothy got more pricey, I switched to Bermuda and my rabbits loved it. I just stuck with Bermuda for them from then on. I also fed that same spring mix through the winters (that @Kiki showed). In summer, I used basil from the garden (and sometimes mint, parsley, romaine).
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