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  1. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Zack is still being chased, poor little fellow.
  2. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    When I left, about 12:30pm, they were still selling poultry, but getting towards the end.
  3. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I did not. But I kept hearing the bidder number called, so he/she was active, bought a lot. They had two Phoenix pairs for sale, beautiful. Most of the chicks and ducklings were selling for $1-$2 each, but with 6 in a lot.
  4. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Blue and Purple sold for $6 each, Dom cross and Limey sold for $3 each. Not great, but what their uncles sold for last year.
  5. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Well, now we know she's laying! :eek: Polish?
  6. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Lots of options Lots of ducks and even a Tom turkey! And goats... :cool: :oops: ;)
  7. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Limey and Dominique cross Blue and Purple, who was wild last night and this morning. His hormones must be rushing full force.
  8. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    At the auction... Bidding doesn't start until 10.
  9. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Early this morning I heard a funny strangled sound from the coop. Zacchaeus is attempting to crow... probably now that his big brothers are gone.
  10. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    The adventure begins...
  11. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    They are too small for meat, maybe soup once they're adults, but who buys a rooster at an auction to make soup? Unlikely.
  12. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Agreed. But I miss them roosting on my lap. Tomorrow is the auction... :( I have taken cockerels to this auction house twice before, but when I realize the boys are leaving, for good, I get a little funny feeling in my stomach. I'll take my baskets out to the coop once it gets dark, then put...
  13. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Zacchaeus Looks like his band is getting tight. I'll go out in a few, remove it, and put a new one on. "Zacchaeus was a wee little chick, and a wee little chick was he..." 🎶
  14. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Sweet? :rolleyes: Well... :lol: Last night before it was dark I went out a little earlier than usual for a coop check. The hens were up on the roost...except Martha, back in a nesting box. Nope, up on the roost she went. The juvies were running around, making lots of noise. When they tried...
  15. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

  16. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    And, in keeping with my Biblical trend, LC gets a new name...Zacchaeus. He can be Zack or Zacky for short. Who was Zacchaeus?
  17. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    I'm thinking of just keeping LC. I know he's a fighter, he overcame two head injuries as a two-three day old chick. And he knows how to avoid mad hens! ;)
  18. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    So, my friends, how would you choose which cockerels to keep, which to go? They are 8 weeks old, the adult feathers aren't in, the personality is not set due to raging hormones, but I cannot keep them any longer. My coop is on the verge of chaos and I have no place to house them. Have you had...
  19. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Yep. I don't know if that's an indication of intelligence or just plain old stubbornness.
  20. fuzzi

    fuzzi's Chicken Journal

    Noooo! I want her eggs.
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