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  1. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    @KsKingBee Here's an update on my peachicks. I successfully hatched six peachicks from this hen, and it appears that all of them are Pied White-Eyed (WE). Initially, they seemed to be developing into Silver Pied White-Eyed (SP WE) Peafowl, but as they continue to grow, I can observe that their...
  2. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    @KsKingBee Thank you a lot!!! I got the fourth egg hatched today and again pied from the same pair!!! 🤩🥳 Now I'm thinking of changing the male and replace it with this one in the picture for her next egg cycle.. I'm assuming he is IB Black shoulder Pied, I see white eye only in the middle of his...
  3. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    Update about this peahen.. so far I got 3 hatched eggs and all of them IB Pied.. I have more eggs to hatch during this coming week from the same mating with white peacock.
  4. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    @KsKingBee I appreciate your help! more chicks are hatching soon from the same peahen and peacock.. I'll post it here once they hatch and might give us more information. Thanks!
  5. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    @KsKingBee so I mated this peahen with a white male and this is my first peachick from them.. any guess what color is gonna be? and can we confirm that my peahen is carrying a WE gene? More chicks hatching during this month!!!
  6. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    @KsKingBee Thank you for your time to reply! I have few question regarding WE.. is White Peafowl a White eye? from pictures I saw in the internet, a White Eye Peahen should have white dots on her tail but with my Peahen I see it on her back and shoulders, is this WE Peafowl too? What are the...
  7. Faisal12

    Possible White Eye Peahen?

    I recently bought this female adding it to my breeding pen.. They told me its from pied parent I can see all these white spots on her back and wings.. I'm wondering if its white eye or not? do you recommend to mate it with IB male or White male? what I can get from here? I appreciate your help!
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