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  1. Bolfreak

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    Just added the last duckling to the family this morning. She looked at it like, are they multiplying?!? but continued caring for her babies. It’s pretty cute, they use her turkey tail as a ramp. Now to soak and clean the incubator! It’s gross, I can’t imagine doing this again 😜
  2. Bolfreak

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    She has been a great mom so far, very patient and protective. She’s inside the barn inside a hardware mesh box with babies, own food, water and greens. I let her out twice a day if she wants to.
  3. Bolfreak

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    The last egg has internally pipped, I think I can see a beak? Tried to photograph it. Also movement and peeping noises. No external pip yet so will leave him cooking. I’m not sure when official hatch date is/was as this was an experimental clutch by a newbie turkey mom on mostly duck eggs. Hatch...
  4. Bolfreak

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    Ext pip guy is peeping occasionally now, still moving and rocking. Tried to candle in place but only saw darkness, so I guess duckling is taking up all the space. Candling results: the dark egg I threw out without even cracking as it looked explosive lol. Another didn’t develop and was yucky...
  5. Bolfreak

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    I have a Nurture Right 360 and don’t usually use the bator/trays anyway because turkey eggs are too large for it. This is my first rodeo (natural or incubator) with duck eggs. Here’s the eggs with the progress on the pipped one. I’m concerned about the dark looking one behind it being viable and...
  6. Bolfreak

    How I Get 100% Hatch Rate on Chicken Eggs

    Can you give me more details on removing the turning trays? Is this because they shouldn’t be turned anymore or to leave the chicks room to open the shells without obstacles? I have not had success incubating start to finish (I got impatient) and usually let mamas sit on their own eggs (it makes...
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