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  1. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Hello, my chicks are about 8 1/2 weeks old now, and still doing fine, but also still gasping they all started gasping. My adult chickens have MG, and so I treated them for that regardless because they all stayed in the same cage and just finished treatment yesterday. Theyre all doing wonderful...
  2. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Its around 80-82 degrees. I have turned it down since your last comment and its about 80. The heat lamp is maybe 4 feet high and they're ground level. They also get outside of the brooder daily in a room around 70 degrees probably for an hour, the two who are gasping come outside the most, while...
  3. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Okay, thank you I will lower the heat and see how they do! I appreciate it a lot!
  4. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Thats okay, its confusing to me also, I appreciate it!
  5. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    Im not sure exactly, but its the impeckables starter kit heat lamp which they say is 120v 250 watt type r bulb and has a gaurd, Thank you!
  6. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    I have a secured heatlamp and monitor the temp with a thermometer, they have a large dog cage and the cool side is around 75°, they have tsc pine woodchips for bedding! I also let them roam the room they are in frequently which is about 70°
  7. PnppleUpsdDwnChk

    2 of 4 chicks gasping Help!

    I have 4 chicks, Sebright, unknown Bantam, Sapphire Sky, and Gl Wyandotte all about 3 weeks old. The Sapphire Sky began gasping at about 1 1/2 weeks and stopped (so we thought), she gasps lightly about 3 times,then stops and starts again then stops for most of the day but will start up again...
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