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  1. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    Hey just wanted to let you know and say thank you but the flushes you sent the link to worked! The last day and a half she’s been acting better than normal, vet said he didn’t see anything wrong too! Sorry for the late reply, life’s been hectic the last few days
  2. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    Today is actually the best she’s acted but she’s already had one huge seizure
  3. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    I’m going to keep doctoring her over the weekend, the avian vet will be in Monday I have an appointment to take her
  4. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    The guy from our local feed store just stopped by to see if he could help any and he suggested that too, the eating metal. So we’re going to start the charcoal to see if we can flush something out of her system :/
  5. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    She drinks great, hasn’t hardly ate. About 10min ago she had a major seizure I think, I held her during it and she came out of it but now her wings are twitching and she seems disoriented, pupils are pinpointed
  6. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    Something else I’ve noticed today, she’ll open her mouth like she wants to quack and nothing comes out
  7. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    So she’s moving around a little better BUT twice now she’s had a seizure is what it looks like? Lasted about 7-8 seconds
  8. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    We’re trying the molasses right now, put a little in the water and put some in her pool, she’s actually swimming and drinking in the pool a lot so hopefully that helps
  9. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    So she acted perfectly fine until around 1pm. She’s eating and drinking but still very lethargic and acting like she did yesterday evening
  10. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    I will definitely give this a shot tomorrow if she’s still acting this way.. and thank you so much for the responses, the world needs more ppl like you!
  11. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    Uhm, there’s a creek they go to sometimes. The only plants she’s been around are grass and trees and haven’t had mice at all(knock on wood). I checked her body and it looks good, her breathing looks normal. I threw some treats out to the ducks, everyone went nuts over them but her she just sat...
  12. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    She hasn’t started laying yet, she’s 3 months old this week
  13. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    Another pic
  14. H

    Sick Cayuga?

    One of my Cayugas was perfectly fine yesterday and today has been acting a little lethargic and sitting with her head tucked in most of the day. She’ll drink, poop looks normal and she swam for a bit but she’s not hanging with the rest of the ducks all day and is moving relatively slow. Thoughts??
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